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Bruce Allen (1962)
Jayme Allendorf (Rudd) (1970)
Colette Andreatta (1978)
Don Andreatta (1970)
Kathryn Argyelan (Morse) (1964)
Carol Athan (Bergstre…) (1951)
Raymond Averill (1959)
Daniel Bass (1976)
Russ Bass (1970)
Pamela Benson (Giertz) (1986)
Bill Berg (1971)
Kathy Bortolini (Brewer) (1968)
Lisa Boynak (Walls) (1977)
David Brown (1975)
Julie Brush (1987)
Kay Burke (Griffith) (1958)
Connie Burnett (Smith) (1971)
Charles Butler (1962)
Paul Buzinec (1963)
Marcy Carlson (Beatty) (1971)
Martha Celis (Burke) (1981)
Bob Chirila (1973)
Dawn Cieskiewicz (Wyllie) (1979)
Deanna Clemens (Dayhuff) (1979)
Linda Conley (Starkey) (1973)
Dan Conn (1974)
Chris Cook (1971)
Susie Cooper (Weltmann) (1965)
Terry Cox (1969)
Judy Curtis (Kavanagh) (1973)
Sharon Daugherty (Moore) (1972)
Tom Daugherty (1974)
Elaine Davis (Winske) (1961)
Jerry Davis (1960)
Tim Dayhuff (1977)
Jon DeCausemaker (1991)
Trish Demmon (Kale) (1978)
Lester Detterline (1949)
Michael DeVault (1986)
Barbara Dixon (Hansell) (1958)
Jovan Djokic (Djokic) (1985)
Rich Dowdle (1987)
Becky Eastwood (Demo) (1969)
Jennifer Eastwood (Davis) (1962)
Carl Eckert (1974)
Shelley Eckert (None) (1972)
Harold Eilts (1961)
Ron Elisha (1962)
David Evans (Evans) (1966)
Terry Fasel (1965)
Valerie Fedorchak (Es…) (1972)
Bill Fennessy (1958)
Kim Fessler (1970)
Jerry Fifer (1972)
Janet Frankenhauser (Watson) (1966)
Dave Freeland (1975)
Katy Gaines (2015)
Bob Galbert (1965)
Phil Gard (1970)
Debbie Goodpaster (Ruel) (1971)
Roberta Graham (Keyes) (1956)
Janet Granzow (1966)
Cindi Greener (Theodoros) (1971)
Ida Greenwood (Quaka) (1966)
Debbie Guernsey (Jenkins) (1973)
Debbie Hamilton (1974)
Dave Hammond (1985)
Lori Handley (Sloan) (1977)
Nancy Haskett (Rogers) (1975)
Tom Haskett (1978)
Roseanne Hile (Jackson) (1970)
Steve Hoffar (Hoffar) (1977)
Lawrence Hopkins (1962)
Mellisa Horst (Andric) (1977)
Susan Rae Hunsicker (Franko) (1961)
Marian Jackson (Cary) (1961)
Joni James (1972)
Leigh Ann Johnson (Grooms) (1992)
Sandy Johnson (Schumann) (1969)
Sharon Johnson (Hanson) (1960)
Ronald Kaiser (1952)
Carol Kellogg (Cooley) (1961)
Laura Kerr (Noga) (1978)
Patricia Killens (Ayres) (1951)
Nicholas Kobitka (2005)
Mickey Koczersut (1987)
Zofia Konopacki (1978)
James Korwek (1975)
Rudy Kuechenberg (1961)
John Lancaster (1968)
James Madson (2014)
Harry Malamatos (1981)
Melanie Mandich (Nowall) (1974)
John Mattix (1963)
Deanna Maxwell (Kwasny) (1959)
Kevin McCann (2010)
Laura McGarry (Wood) (1973)
Janet McLead (Preble) (1952)
Amy McSherry (Read) (1977)
Laurie Miko (Messite) (1962)
Tina Mills (Bayer) (1987)
James Tyne Moody (1956)
Jim Moore (1958)
Dolores Moreno (Wible) (1952)
Marshall Moreno (1950)
Lynn Nevins (Smith) (1972)
Lynda Nixon (1970)
Pat O'Hara (Cieskiewicz) (1954)
Patricia O'Hara (Walls) (1973)
Jeffrey Osiel (1982)
Kristen Panteliodis (2009)
Dwight Parks (1962)
Winfred (Budd) … (1966)
Judy Pence (Kuenn) (1974)
Dorothy Rearick (Scarborough) (1973)
Barry Reed (1969)
Elaine Ronschke (Kaiser) (1951)
Nedra Ross (O'Hara) (1953)
Becky Saunders (Beatty) (1965)
Walter Schaffrick (1977)
Ron Sebben (1987)
Dylona Shedrow (Miller) (1966)
Dave Sheptak (1973)
Claudia Shurr (Smythe) (1972)
Bob Simmons (1970)
Jesse Simmons (1961)
Dave Smythe (1970)
Dave Soltys (Soltys) (1980)
Marilyn Stanfield (Andreatta) (1970)
Christina Such (1994)
Charlie Sufana (1970)
Stella Surga (Newman) (1971)
Karen Swartzlander (Yarsh) (1965)
Tim Swisher (1970)
Diane Szabo (Cavico) (1964)
Grandall Taylor (1959)
Peter Theodoros (1968)
Diane Thien (Searfoss) (1972)
Dave Thompson (1961)
Dawn Thompson (1982)
Kathy Throne (Cox) (1969)
Darlene Tipold (Dukes) (1981)
Mike Toneff (1980)
T. Dolly Tsacrios (Young) (1959)
Ehson Umrani (2014)
Bev VanLoon (Morris) (1962)
John Walker (1973)
Karen Walters (Mair) (1973)
Jack Westforth (1970)
Nancy Westphal (Westphal) (1975)
Michael Wheeler (1969)
Elizabeth Ann White (Combs) (1976)
Jan Williams (Williams) (1972)
Lynn Wilson (1983)
Michael Wilson (1992)
Linda Yakab (Westforth) (1970)
Rich Yakab (1986)
Nancy Yarvice (Bryan) (1970)
Rich Young (1963)
Lynn Zbyrowski (Goldsworthy) (1965)