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Recent Obituaries

*indicates an obituary that will be included in the next newsletter


*Norman Govert, Class of 1959

*Beth Garretty Bonebrake, Class of 1959

*Isabel OConnell, Teacher

*Kim Ginter Howe, Class of 1983

*Linda Ehrhardt Stinnett, Class of 1982

*Lynda Claxton Tuzinski, Class of 1968

*Randy Murray, Class of 1968

*Ted Wozniak, Class of 1978

*Fred Roach, Class of 1952

*Phillip Speer, Class of 1952

*Deanne (Dee) Summers, Class of 1965


*Nelson Lemon, Class of 1959

*Emma Shroyer, Class of 1973

*Vidal Lopez, Class of 1958

*Eleanor Overdeck, Class of 1955

*Mary Billeaux Hoffman, Class of 1946

*Debra (Debi) Rodich Zoumis, Class of 1980

*Heather Hackett Swan, Class of 1995

*Carol Potts, Class of 1959

*Laura Franko Hausch, Class of 1978

*Michael (Mike) Devine, Class of 1969

*Christopher (Chris) Johnson, Class of 1988

*Julia (Judy) Tanner Pruitt, Class of 1970

*Robert (Bob) Stephenson, Class of 1971

*Mary Lemon Broda, Class of 1957

*Randy Griffith, Jr., Teacher

*Raymond Cloyd, Class of 1969

*Daniel "Danny" Harkins, Class of 1968

*Myron "Buddy" Hanes, Staff

*Carol Skudlark Hess, Class of 1955

*Dorythe Blaney Earl, Class of 1956

*Dennis Donaldson, Class of 1965

*Lisa Pope Duda, Class of 1978


*Kim Swisher Pall, Class of 1987

*Marilyn Mattix Maguire, Class of 1951

*Wendy Anderson Kegebein, Class of 1977

*Jeffery (Jeff) Diaz, Class of 1974

*Keith Stowell, Class of 1967

*Dorothy (Dot, Dottie) Saynak Deboy, Class of 1958

Kevin Galka, Class of 1995

Adam James, Class of 1998

Kathleen Alexander Ford, Class of 1954

Angeline (Angie) Rocoff Grandys, Class of 1956


*Judy Sinks McKinney, Class of 1961

*Roberta Gayle Thomasino Giorgi, Class of 1980

Sandra Kay Pott Fisher, Class of 1956

Jeffrey (Jeff) Council, Class of 1986

Diane Swartzlander Paske, Class of 1960

Amy Beckner Mears, Class of 1968

Sharon Anderson Whittinghill, Class of 1961

Bruce Wilkinson, Class of 1963

Donna Kuechenberg Gill, Class of 1960

Kenneth (Ken) Black, Class of 1965

Allen Sell, Class of 1973

Jack Caldwell, Class of 1957

Connie Mills Roberts, Class of 1967

Greg Peyovich, Class of 1969

Raymond Flanigan, Class of 1959

Kathleen (Kathy) Ryba Needs, Class of 1964

James (Jim) Sliger, Class of 1974

Deane Cook Camarata, Class of 1960

Ellen Kimberly (Kim) Peters, Class of 1977

James Donald (Don) Lawrence, Class of 1981


*Gloria Knocke Carr, Class of 1964

Pamela (Pam) Boynak Hutchins, Class of 1972

Janet Schmelter Rigoni, Class of 1956

Robert (Bob) Berg, Class of 1967

James (Jim) Dunn, Class of 1964

Carol Kramer Sohn, Class of 1957

Robert Burns, Class of 1973

Judith (Judy) Heinold Miller, Class of 1963


*Nancy Kaszycki Boyd, Class of 1966

Michael (Mike) Kaczmarek, Class of 1969

Joyce Potts Locke, Staff

William (Bill) Stoltz, Class of 1958

Pedro (Pete) Rodriguez, Class of 1957

Jerry Mayes, Class of 1978

James (Jim) Larson, Class of 1966

Diana (Diane) Wilfong Evens McCord, Class of 1974

Daniel (Dan) Silich, Class of 1978

AUGUST 2024:

*Jennie Speer Metz, Class of 1958

Jamie McConnell, Teacher

Steve Lazar, Class of 1949

Norma Paige, Class of 1958

John Rans, Class of 1961

Sheila Follmer Ellis, Class of 1971

Debra (Debbie) Schwager Bordelon, Class of 1978

Mary Trail, Class of 1951

Marion Turley Substitute Teacher

Daniel LeRose, Class of 1981

Ronald Richa, Class of 1982

Claude Choate, Class of 1944

William (Bill) Neier, Class of 1973

JULY 2024:

Maureen Richmond Clark, Class of 1948

Milton (Milt) Hamann, Class of 1958

Christy (Chris) Murray-Flores, Class of 1983

Jack Holeman, Class of 1947

Sue Helm, Class of 1963

Richard (Dick) Marconi, Class of 1952

Candi Fulkerson, Class of 1987

Gerald (Jerry) Puchowski, Class of 1975

Janice Haverkamp Dressler, Class of 1957

Stephanie Glegorovich Harrison, Class of 1980

Lenny Greener, Class of 1961

Joyce Ondrovich, Class of 1966

Wilma Morgan Gawthrop, Class of 1941

JUNE 2024:

Karen Summerhill Sefton, Class of 1969

Jerry Tidwell, Class of 1970

Paula Dault Hale, Class of 1982

David (Dave) Smith, Class of 1963

Donnie (Don) Covington, Class of 1966

Karen Boruff, Class of 1965

Dale Fisher, Class of 1958

Kenneth "Marty" DeYoung, Class of 2017

Judith (Judy) Connell, Staff

Robert Webb, Teacher

David (Dave) Hunt, Class of 1977

MAY 2024:

*Tom Chelle, Class of 1987

Lisa Thompson, Class of 1981

Sharon Glynn Malinka, Class of 1957

William (Bill) Haas, Class of 1956

Robert (Bob) Zimny, Class of 1957

Maxine Bercaw Hutchens, Class of 1952

Peggy Kaiser, Class of 1972 (and teacher)

Denise Nault Christy, Class of 1967

Leland (Lee) Lovall, Class of 1960

Karen Hilton Newcomb, Class of 1983

APRIL 2024:

Jeffrey (Jeff) Larson, Class of 1973

William Fick, Class of 1984

Mary Decker Tuttle, Class of 1953

Darryl Heine, Class of 1968

Richard (Dick) Metzger, Teacher

Joe Kaminski, Class of 1987

Don Shinneman, Class of 1955

Melanie Miller-Walker, Class of 1981

Thomas (Tom) O'Keefe, Class of 1966

Rick (Rich) Ardell, Class of 1970

Mark Ring, Class of 1974

Lisa Leonard McGushion, Class of 1981

Nicholas (Nick) Ferlus, Class of 1965

Gail Ehrenfeld Koch, Class of 1966

Denise Council O'Neill, Class of 1966

Betty Wineinger Carns, Class of 1944

MARCH 2024:

Anthony (Tony) Kirkpatrick, Class of 1958

Betty Bycoft, Class of 1961

Alice Stewart Stephenson, Class of 1956

John Konicki, Class of 1961

Tim Dickey, Class of 1965

Charles (Chuck) Richardson, Class of 1956

Beth Vargo Howell, Class of 1959

Richard Carl (Dick) Altenhof, Class of 1956

Robert (Bob) Nanney, Class of 1982


Donal Harrigan, Class of 1950szostek

Kerry Owen Heitkotter, Class of 1982

Mary Kim Janott, Class of 1972

Lori Flanders Betten, Class of 1982

Lori Williams, Class of 1974

Patricia (Pat) Jarosz, Class of 1973

John Pavlakovic, Class of 1951

Roy Dixon, Class of 1951

Douglas (Doug) "Chopper" Perney, Class of 1975

Thomas (Tom) Wright, Class of 1955

Bernard (Bernie) Smith, Teacher

Treva Dallas Flowers, Class of 1966

Marjorie Gunderson Talmadge, Class of 1957


Jeff (John) Janott, Class of 1963

Rosalind Baughamer Slabaugh, Class of 1956

Steve Rice, Class of 1958

John Dziubla, Class of 1957

Anton (Tony) Malmquist, Class of 1958

Lawrence Thomas (Tom) Dooling, Class of 1956

Bruce Eden, Class of 1970

Keith Coons, Class of 1975

Linda Parrish, Class of 1965

April Nelson, Class of 1975

Robert (Bob) Weith, Teacher

John Adams, Class of 1957

Barbara Baker Burkland, Class of 1967

Betty Bellar Wojtysiak, Class of 1971

Mary Peters, Teacher

Frances Fleming Sapper, Class of 1942


Sharon Nariss, Class of 1969

Mary Alexander Nariss, Class of 1957

Diane Floros Black, Class of 1981

Robert (Bob) Bielewicz (Blair), Class of 1964

Robert (Bob) Popaditch, Class of 1961

John Chirila, Class of 1966

Marlene DeBoy, Class of 1951

Michael (Mike) Benka, Class of 1966

Thomas (Tom) Coates, Class of 1963

Sharon Spero Bailey, Class of 1962


Dennis King, Class of 1971

Vaughn Froman, Class of 1959

Gwen Welch, Class of 1960

Lee Newman, Class of 1967

Richard (Rich) Kosiba, Class of 1957

Linda Dufresne Hartford, Class of 1958

Patricia (Trish) Williamson, Class of 1972

Robert (Bob) Hansen, Class of 1965

Ronald (Ron) Sadelack, Class of 1966

Joseph (Joe) Galovic, Class of 1977

Carol Pawlicki Roszkowski, Class of 1959

Robert (Bob) Goodwin, Class of 1948

Leslie Stephens-Kotvasz, Class of 1982

Joyce Kerr Wackett, Class of 1955

Elaine Etchison Ansbro, Class of 1953


Diana (Diane) Eaves Jenkins Sundman, Class of 1974

Terry Bennett II, Class of 1999

Netta Kanost Downey, Class of 1948

Kathryn "Faye" McLeod, Teacher

Mariilyn Thornton Ohmann, Class of 1952

Patricia Kubiak Zimbrick, Class of 1949

Mary Ellen Greener Thyen, Class of 1963

Georgia Detrick Czerniak, Class of 1963

Jo Nell Whitaker, Staff

Kenneth (Ken) WIlson, Class of 1958

Janice Nussman Pepoff, Class of 1965

Charlotte Berndt, Class of 1961

Sheryl (Sherry) Leonard Schmeler, Class of 1979

Linda Prusiecki Senne, Class of 1961

Shirley Belsha Murphy, Class of 1969

Yvonne "June" Garrard Smith, Class of 1953

Aaron Ayala, Class of 2012


*Kenneth Melvin, Class of 1980

Diana (Diane) Foddrill Pratt, Class of 1975

James (Jim) Forrest, Class of 1963

Evelyn Draschil Niemeyer, Class of 1960

Carl Brickley, Class of 1967

Jackie Karner Brickley, Class of 1969

Charles Broda, Class of 1956

Judith (Judy) Russell Kish, Class of 1958

Joseph (Joe) Hecht, Class of 1950

Jozef (Joe) Sumichrast, Class of 1966

Judith (Judy) Julian Hollingsworth, Class of 1952

Edward (Ed) Bellinger, Class of 1968

George Wheeler, Class of 1966

AUGUST 2023:

Martha Lindsey Regier, Class of 1967

Gladys Harney Ross, Class of 1940

Bob Gleason, Class of 1969

Kenneth (Ken) Nibbe, Class of 1960

Joyce Wroblewski Benton, Class of 1956

JULY 2023:

Phillip Millus, Class of 1954

Sharon Coulter Rippe, Class of 1969

Sharon Hendricks (Hendrix) Long, Class of 1965

Daniel (Dan) Delich, Class of 1962

Linda Pendleton, Class of 1963

Richard Harold McCasland, Class of 1963

Jon Griffiths, Class of 1956

Kenneth (Ken) Karwowski, Class of 1980

Nicholas Yoder, Class of 2005

George Alan Vedope, Class of 1986

Thomas (Tom) Braun, Class of 1974

Victor Levan, Class of 1962

Anthony (Tony) Sailors, Class of 1982

Paul Camarena, Class of 1981

Harry Hopkins, Class of 1959

Tammy Caldwell Gulledge, Class of 1988

Stephen (Steve) Goodrich, Class of 1970

Michael (Mike) Gregor, Class of 1949

Marvin "Dewayne" Oglesby, Class of 1969

Barbara Mijdak Mayersky, Class of 1955

JUNE 2023:

Terry Sawicki, Class of 1981

Dwaine Coriell, Class of 1984

Daniel (Dan) Hensley, Class of 1988

Robert (Bob) Englebert, Class of 1968

Walter (Wally) Bielewicz, Class of 1959

Marcia Peck Speer, Class of 1952

Suzzanna Sewell Smith, Class of 1963

Ronald Lach, Class of 1959

Robert Morgan, Class of 1953

Freddie (Fred) Crawford, Class of 1953

Sharon Dammarell Simmons, Class of 1966

MAY 2023:

Thomas Novak, Class of 2000

Christopher Marvin (Marv) Stewart, Class of 1968

Maureen Boudreau Larson, Class of 1965

Nicholis Batalis, Class of 2022

LaDonna Gabriel, Staff

Robert Berndt, Class of 1950

Robert (Bob) Gunter, Class of 1984

Cecilia Schuman, Teacher's Aide

Donald (Don) Luke, Class of 1952

Janet Harkins, Class of 1968

Kevin McCord, Class of 1981

Linda Skees Mayes, Class of 1957

Roland Lewis, Class of 1968

Clyde Metz, Class of 1958

Robert (Bob) Boyle, Class of 1994

Sandra (Sandy) King Longfellow, Class of 1957

Dorothy Ehrhardt Haussman, Teacher

APRIL 2023:

Irene Peksenak Elia, Class of 1951

Marjorie Wegmet Ramsey, Class of 1947

Anthony (Tony) Radulovich, Class of 1988

Karen Braun, Class of 1971

Tami Pender Rigg, Class of 1977

George Ewing, Class of 1958

Cynthia Gray Kleist, Class of 1973

Jimmye (Jim) Boatright, Class of 1963

Karen Dunn Reynolds, Class of 1967

Dennis Rittenmeyer, Class of 1962

Mary Shalapsik Marks, Class of 1967

MARCH 2023:

John William (Bill) Morrison, Class of 1959

William (Bill) Gentz, Class of 1958

Roger McKuhen, Class of 1963

Jeff Kolczak, Class of 1982

Kevin Robinson, Class of 1972

Dawn "Beige" Landes Reese, Class of 1957

Howard Eastwood, Class of 1956

Charlotte Rushing Butler, Class of 1967

Linda Cook Espinoza, Class of 1964

Alon Dickson, Class of 1964

Carol Whittaker Draper, Class of 1954

Mary Banaski, Class of 1952

Stephan (Steve) Yetsko, Class of 1977

Mark Hoffar, Class of 1969

Nedra Klaja Scubelek, Class of 1959

Linda Collins Binkley, Class of 1964


Sylvia Ellen Campos/Andrews Schenk, Class of 1947

Frederick (Fred) Ahrens, Class of 1962

Vicki Kozyra Filter, Class of 1962

Arthur (Art) Elwood Kurth, Class of 1950

Janet Werhowatz Kronvall, Class of 1984

Daniel (Dan) Bodlovich, Class of 1970

Lawrence (Larry) Powell, Class of 1960

Michael (Mike) McLennan, Class of 1969

William (Bill) Cope, Class of 1952

Myron Thomas, Class of 1967

Diane Halvorson Dilley, Class of 1964

Nancy Guzman, Staff

Samuel (Sam) Wyatt, Class of 1975

Mark Blaschke, Class of 1975

Donald (Don) Trail, Class of 1965

Louis (Lou) Mikolics, Class of 1952

Patricia (Pat) Kline Parent, Class of 1972


Betty Greene Landis, Class of 1941

Karen Nickell Sears, Class of 1960

Bonnie Sears Hurr, Class of 1954

Michael Trammel, Class of 1967

Lynn Huttle, Teacher

Thomas (Tom) Potter, Class of 1965

Maryann Brush Kerr, Class of 1957

Joseph (Joe) Smalley, Class of 1996

Roxann Johnson Ingram, Class of 1972


Gail Drew Ramsay, Class of 1952

Margaret "Peggy" Titko Ciesla, Staff

Donald (Don) Anderson, Class of 1954

Cecilia Hill, Staff

Donald (Don) Dotson, Class of 1957

Terry Hand, Teacher

Mary Kavarie Wojcik, Class of 1979

Connie Brickner, Teacher


Carolyn Little Medrano, Class of 1961

Donna Fetterer Hoyo, Class of 1956

Keith Schuetter, Class of 2011

John Aughey, Class of 1969

Thurrell Thompson, Teacher

Lorena Williams Coppes, Class of 1958

Dan (Danny) Abner / Marci Dupree, Class of 1987

Alice Fehrenbacher Shields, Class of 1958

Jerry Chapman, Class of 1947

Teresa Bulanda-Musso, Class of 1982            

Barbara Bergeson Yank, Class of 1957

Cheryl Warren Ensign, Class of 1972

Margie Howard Hooten, Class of 1973

Michael "Mick" White, Class of 1979

Adolph "Abe" Lesczynske, Class of 1998

Donald (Don) Daniels, Class of 1968

Kathy Timpe Byrum, Class of 1965


Laura Kinsman Wanger, Class of 1948

Helen Lute Rieck, Class of 1941

Roberta "Jeanie" Kovich, Staff

Ernie Hatton, Class of 1965

James "Jimmie" Forrester, Class of 2012

John Thomas, Class of 1973

John Nadolski, Class of 1982

Heather Dangremond Snyder, Class of 1966

Jeffrey (Jeff) Vanderplough, Class of 1984

Marcia Cady Banister Tracy, Class of 1961

Elizjah Wilson, Class of 2022

Charles (Chuck) Gard, Class of 1965

Minerva Lazar Williams, Class of 1941


Patricia Sauter Tuerff, Class of 1947

Delores Spiller Hefty, Class of 1956

David (Dave) Gibson, Class of 1972

Judy Tidwell Edelen, Class of 1970

Betty Davis, Class of 1956

Zonabelle Dignin Tuttle, Class of 1947

Beverly Dutkovich Braun, Class of 1952

Irene Broda Blaschek, Class of 1958

Phillip Saims, Class of 1984

Donald (Don) Coleman, Class of 1952

Janice Boatright Sievers, Class of 1969

Tristan Isolampi, Class of 2004

Ralph Peters, Class of 1967

Tommy Mann, Class of 1992

AUGUST 2022:

Victor Beauprey, Class of 1971

Robert (Bob) Stanley, Class of 1965

Jo Faye Dick Walker, Class of 1971

Patsy Lou George Bade, Class of 1956

LuEllen Wanda Ahlgrim Boruch, Class of 1951

Robert Koval, Teacher

Brooks Culpepper, Class of 1979

Gerald (Skip) Reese, Class of 1957

Betty Stanley Kenniger, Class of 1956

Peter Winske, Class of 1960

Kenneth (Ken) David, Class of 1969

Marsha Orr, Staff

Marian Anderson Leets, Class of 1946

Myra Weeks Schafer, Class of 1968

Thomas (Tom) King, Class of 1977

Cynthia (Cindy) MacDonald, Class of 1976

JULY 2022:

Richard Wells, Class of 1946

Betty Nelson, Class of 1970

Dennis Driscoll, Class of 1959

Noel Moffett McNamee, Class of 1969

Elizabeth (Betty) Zunich, Class of 1952

James Camacho, Class of 2021

Sharon Bell Binder, Class of 1953

Patricia (Pat) Mills Schiesser, Class of 1971

James (Jim) Myers, Class of 1974

Gilbert Ittel, Class of 1947

Bonnie Scharbach Ruzicka, Class of 1956

James (Jim) Briney, Class of 1947

JUNE 2022:

John Veit, Class of 1971

Rick (Rickie) Banks, Class of 1973

Ruth Deal (Teacher)

Kay Martin Moor, Class of 1971

Sharon Dunn Hnatiuk, Class of 1965

Linda Carlson, Class of 1972

Phillip (Phil) Mullins, Class of 2005

MAY 2022:

Charles Erwin, Class of 1948

Joseph (Joe) Angotti, Class of 1961

John Primich, Class of 1979

Charles (Chuck) Kleiber, Class of 1953

William (Bill) Osborn, Class of 1964

Robert Moncada, Class of 1983

Warren "Muggs" Spain, Class of 1975

Beverly Sue Chaney Mioduski, Class of 1953

Debbie Miller Okeley, Class of 1978

Jeremy Poegel, Class of 1993

Kay Kitterman Finchum, Class of 1954

Lynn Eikenbary, Class of 1963

Cynthia (Cyndi) Liechty, Teacher

Olive Fern Wineinger Goodwin, Class of 1951

Dennis Badovinac, Class of 1975

Carole Yoder Sypien, Class of 1965

Kathleen (Kathy) Aitken Vieitez, Class of 1968

APRIL 2022:

David Draves, Class of 1965

Loma Geyer Davies Silcott (Teacher)

Shanon Antle Miller, Class of 1984

John (J.T.) Faughn, Class of 1962

Terry Davis, Class of 1966

Charles Southard, Class of 1945

Howard Eastwood, Class of 1975

JoAnne Dillard Erwin, Class of 1958

Stephen Andrew, Class of 1965

Arthur (Art) Hamilton, Class of 1947

Jennie Aleman Ramirez, Clsss of 1965

MARCH 2022:

Frank Schutt, Class of 1950

Edward (Ed) Hallmen, Class of 1952

Rich Vichinsky, Class of 1970

Kristy Glutting Regeski, Class of 1981

James Rose, Class of 1965

Rodney Vanderplough, Class of 1983

David (Dave) Robbins, Class of 1965

Michael (Mike) Wirtz, Class of 1976

Donald "Boze" SeDoris, Class of 1992

Dale Ewigleben, Class of 1946

Carl Towell, Class of 1961

Stewart "Stu" Kraft, Class of 1956

Nikola "Nicky" Tomich, Class of 1984

Samuel Harlan Ford (Teacher)

Betty Lou Cope Bartholomew, Class of 1946


Rick Easton, Class of 1974

Jon Joel Ewigleben, Class of 1956

Robert (Bob) Kainrath, Class of 1983

Thelma Dekema Bennett, Class of 1943

Michael VanSanten, Class of 1984

Christopher (Chris) Kostoff, Class of 1988

Joan Nelson Gesse, Class of 1945

Eva Dacey Hood, Class of 1953

Joseph James (Jim) Exl, Class of 1966

Richard Riba, Class of 1961

Ervin Carstensen, Class of 1948

Mildred Tatalovich Griggs, Class of 1946

Ronald (Ron) Marcotte, Class of 1953

Victoria Thompson (Teacher)

Kenneth (Kenny) Rieck, Class of 1964

Steve Balash, Class of 1968 (Coach)

Paul Throne, Coach


Cheryl Wilfong Gjuraj, Class of 1979

Arthur Grant Holder, Class of 1958

John Watkins, Class of 1962

Ruby Lee (RubyLee) Davison Pereira, Class of 1953

Dolores Vargas Good, Class of 1956

Bonnie Lenz Myers, Class of 1969

John Hook, Class of 1984

George Buzinec, Class of 1967

Ella Gilbertson, Teacher

Louis Hasza, Class of 1940

Robert (Bob) Mattix, Class of 1967

Betty Shafer Hummel, Class of 1939


Mldred Katunich Glass, Class of 1949

Linda Harrelson Edwards, Class of 1961


Clara Skomp Unland, Class of 1958

Norma Dowd (Dowd) Ondo, Class of 1950

Kenneth Westmoreland, Class of 1958

Doris Richeson Christian, Class of 1953

David Hines, Class of 1965

Steven (Steve) Snow, Class of 1974

Marilynn (Marilyn) Prage Hampton, Class of 1952

Irene "Puggy" Schmelter Kostoff, Class of 1950

Katherine Sulak Kyle, Class of 1959

Robert Jeffrey (Jeff) Hicks, Class of 1980

James (Jim) Hines, Class of 1987

Eddie Sol, Class of 1951

William (Bill) Aitken, Class of 1956

James (Jim) Flood, Class of 1973

Ken Woodward, Class of 1960

Richard (Dick) Schavey, Class of 1958

Harry Hall, Class of 1960

Theresa Austin Lanie, Class of 1997

Sharon Johnson Breyfogle, Class of 1975

James (Jim) Fowble, Class of 1966

Larry Johnson, Class of 1973

Jane Massa (Teacher)

Gene Kemp, Class of 1959


Alice McGrew, Teacher

William (Will or Bill) Terry, Class of 1965

Michael (Mike) Mohler, Class of 1956

Carl Perrotta (Teacher)

Leroy Richmond, Class of 1953

Douglas Johnston, Class of 1951

Sidney (Sid) Walker, Class of 1963

Clara Riddle Ramer, Class of 1949

Joshua Field, Class of 2001

Megan Langbehn Cannata, Class of 1979

Henry Osika, Class of 1969

Dennis Young, Class of 1970

Kathleen (Kathy) Dubach, Class of 1977

Sharee Benson Funk, Class of 1968

Virginia Hughes, Class of 1971

Larry E. Brown, Class of 1961

Terry "Cricket" Foley, Class of 1966


Frank Soos, Staff

Rosinda Velez, Class of 2004

Brenton Wolfe, Class of 1956

David (Dave) Flood, Class of 1968

Diana Hart Paris, Class of 1971

Harry Todd, Class of 1956

MaryEllen Riedel, Teacher

Elsie Shipley Tilford, Class of 1956

Lois Bemis Cortese, Class of 1952

Joan Turner Walker Smith, Class of 1946

Mark Behnke, Class of 1972

Shelley Williams, Class of 1972

Elaine Clemens Johnson, Class of 1954

Michael (Mike) Cover, Class of 1977

Jan Bonner, Class of 1981

Ronald (Ron) Tharp, Class of 1985


*Michael (Mike) Craft, Class of 1980

Dorothy Buczek McGinnis, Class of 1950

Rich Sailors, Class of 1981

Elizabeth Christner (Teacher)

Patrick (Pat) Kutzer, Class of 1988

Michael (Mike) Davis, Class of 1982

Jacqueline (Jackie) Rossell, Class of 1968

Joseph Csokasy, Class of 1949

Brent Thorgren, Class of 1970

David "Cal" Callaway, Class of 1965

Lillian Swallow, Class of 1969

Andrew Rearick, Class of 1994

Larry Thyen, Class of 1968

Michaeline Balboa Deering, Class of 1989

John "Jack" Erickson, Class of 1947

Stan Flick, Class of 1989

Cheryl Carpenter Koonce, Class of 1965

Daniel (Dan) Meulemans (Conn), Class of 1974

Charles (Warren) Arnold, Class of 1960

Donald (Don) Potrebic, Class of 1957

Larry Cary, Class of 1969

AUGUST 2021:

Antoinette Zrabkowski Clark, Class of 1958

Norma Bledsoe Palmer, Class of 1951

Leonard Aguilar, Class of 1981

Carol Spain Rudd, Class of 1956

Beuford (Beau) Bunnell, Class of 1947

James (Jim) Watkins, Class of 1953

Timothy (Tim) Redmond, Class of 1972

Jay Rose, Class of 1959

Diane Stubblefield Dominguez, Class of 1963

James "Red" Dinsmore, Class of 1948

Jack Meade, Class of 1959

Judy Bjerkness Hannigan, Class of 1959

Jerry Hicks (Teacher)

John McLaughlin, Jr., Class of 1996

Robert (Bob) Lowry, Class of 1975

Brian Krasoczka, Class of 1975

Virginia Mayes Hedger, Class of 1958

Thomas (Tom) Kurth, Class of 1954

JULY 2021:

*Randy Dziurdzy, Class of 1976

Kathryn Kleine Roberts, Class of 1946

Nanci Hunt Vasilko, Class of 1985

Patty Smith Hennings, Class of 1963

George Harbison, Class of 1959

Anna Guth Villafane, Class of 1968

Rose Ann Luby Bockhorn, Class of 1959

Barbara Rosta Gross, Class of 1963

William (Bill) Trapp, Class of 1978

Melvyn Kaczmarek, Teacher

Judy Wall Hevel, Teacher

Stanley (Stas') Jarosz III, Class of 2012

JUNE 2021:

Georgia Smith Kalman, Class of 1945

Margaret Prentiss Droze, Class of 1959

Dale Schavey, Class of 1954

Robert "Bergie" Bergeson, Class of 1960

William (Bill) Enslen, Class of 1963

Joyce Webb Hiestand, Class of 1969

Paula Robinson St. Germain, Class of 1964

Steven (Steve) Brown, Class of 1972

Sharon Chaney Vode, Class of 1965

Ann Gleason Bly, Class of 1965

Jane Woodruff McDaniel, Class of 1969

MAY 2021:

Phyllis Carroll Gonder, Class of 1958

Arthur Thomason, Class of 1954

Peggy Mahoney Link, Class of 1971

James (Jim) Krygoski, Class of 1973

Shirley Mitchell Ralph, Class of 1949

Kelly Kapica Silich, Class of 1984

Valerie Kiefer Millus, Class of 1955

Helen Marie Predmore, Class of 1957

James Swartzell, Class of 1955

John La Bounty (Substitute Teacher)

Douglas Dunning, Class of 1968

Marcella (Marcie) Dallas, Class of 1993

Francis (Frank) Pardus, Class of 1959

Richard "Dick" Gilbertson, Teacher

Myrtle Fritz Novak, Class of 1942

Debra "Debbie" Wheeler Garcia, Class of 1974

APRIL 2021:

Kenneth Neyhart, Class of 1956

Judith (Judy) McLain Sorba, Class of 1958

Rhonda Scharbach, Class of 1972

Latisha "Tish" Cox Hailey, Class of 1995

Carlene Thien Cochran, Class of 1970

Barbara (Barb) Potter Yaros, Class of 1965

Dylan Wedel, Class of 2016

Sylvia Gilbert Krafft, Class of 1945

Donald (Don) Fedorchak, Class of 1950

Timothy (Tim) Gray, Class of 1986

Chyeann Canter, Class of 2019

Loretta "Rhett" Bellinger Hamilton, Class of 1958

MARCH 2021:

Keith King, Class of 1971

Mariann Trbovich Kivikangas, Class of 1960

John O'Hara, Class of 1953

Wilda "Beth" Olson Carter, Class of 1949

Candace (Candy) Kranz Solomon, Class of 1984

Roger Tosch, Class of 1957

Jerry James (Teacher)

Rachel Julian Kristophel, Class of 1948

Marsha Howell Hansen, Class of 1969

Mark Hanson, Class of 1973

James (Jim) Ludwig, Class of 1964

Joanne Eckstrom Svetich, Class of 1960


Susan (Sue) Annaert Anderson, Class of 1971

Dexter Knapp, Class of 1971

June Boswell Norman, Class of 1958

Michael (Mike) Miscko, Class of 1960

Bobbie Lee Beckett, Class of 1953

Dorothy "Dolly" Pavlakovic, Class of 1951

Frank Gresser, Class of 1953

Albert (Al) Bliss, Class of 1979

Polly "Jane" Neff Lewis, Class of 1952

Marlene Howell Kopach, Class of 1954

Maryann Bobrik Lewis, Class of 1957


Mark Bowman, Class of 1979

Russell (Russ) Layhew, Class of 1979

Stephen (Steve) Rees, Class of 1969

Warren Thomas (Tom) Billeaux, Class of 1943

Michael Hall, Class of 1992

Sharon Wojtysiak Ward, Class of 1962

Donald (Don) Fife, Class of 1966

Timothy (Tim) VanBlaircom, Class of 1970

John Gianotti (Teacher)

Thomas (Tom) Campbell, Class of 1975

Carole Stolp Heuring, Class of 1954

Joyce Baxter Miracle, Class of 1959

Richard Jordan, Class of 1953

Richard "Mike" Norman, Class of 1989

Charmaine Ness, Class of 1982

Donald (Don) Williams, Class of 1965

Arnold Henig, Class of 1952


Sandy Schafer Trafficanto, Class of 1961

Joan Mills Russ, Class of 1959

Patrick Conley, Class of 1970

Bruce Walsh, Class of 1967

James (Jim) Worthington, Class of 1966

Janice Seberger Loving, Class of 1959

Thomas (Tom) Homan, Class of 1965

Thais Stewart Shelley, Class of 1947

Cheryl Jones Boggs, Class of 1976

Larry Schrader (Teacher)

Ivor Coons, Class of 1966

Sherry Williams, Principal

Richard (Rick) Stephens, Class of 1962

Tracy Rogula, Class of 1990

Barbara Kane Kurth, Class of 1955

Bruce Phillips, Class of 1958


Doris Otto Axtell, Class of 1943

Samuel (Sam) Kosich, Class of 1981

Bettye Prince Shadrick, Class of 1956

Esther Bulza Wilson, Class of 1950

William (Bill) Crites, Class of 1946

Leroy Wineinger, Class of 1946

Thomas (Tom) Routes, Class of 1969

Melody Hines Gibson, Class of 1968

Beverly Schau Fackler (Teacher)

Maryanne Reha, Class of 1966

James (Jim) Spence, Class of 1989

John Uhles, Class of 1953

Michael (Mike) Kovacic, Class of 1965

Anthony (Tony) Kaminski, Class of 1978

Ruth Ann Batey, Class of 1988

Carol Mikolajczak Evans, Class of 1963

James (Jim) McLuckie, Class of 1947

Caleb Crayton, Class of 2021


Marcy (Marcie, Marcelline) Szymanski Fukuda, Class of 1981

Marilyn Fortner Rosenquist, Class of 1971

Phillip Jones, Class of 1992

David (Dave) Brandenburg, Class of 1961

Terry Matthews, Class of 1979

Austin Brown, Class of 2003

Marie Santucci Fage, Class of 1959

Paul James, Class of 1958

Charlyn Moore, Class of 1959

Sue Krulik Vespo Williams, Class of 1968

Marshall Barber, Class of 1982

Edward Erbe Jr., Class of 1959


Palmer Mart (Teacher)

Julie Shaffer McHenry, Class of 1982

Joseph (Joe) Beerbower, Class of 1950

Juanita Arreola Ramirez, Class of 1969

Chuck Whelan, Class of 1969

Richard Sapper, II, Class of 1993

Judith (Judy) Brishky Pierce, Class of 1958

Rosemary Petrovich (Teacher)

Larry Hummel, Class of 1965

Darlene Paul Lake, Class of 1958

Theodore (Ted) Schroeder, Class of 1987

Charles (Chuck) Horn, Class of 1972

AUGUST 2020:

Greg White, Class of 1981

George Skomp, Class of 1981

Zachary (Zach) Banasiak, Class of 2014

Sandra (Sandy) Gregor Bowman, Class of 1976

Frank Hoy, Class of 1971

Daniel (Dan) Forrester, Class of 1973

Vivian Zoborowski Demis, Class of 1962

Connie Bess Rivera, Class of 1953

Linda Clingan Gavelek, Class of 1960

Chris Springman, Class of 1955

Robert Randall "Randy" Carlson, Class of 1968

Ronald Miles, Class of 1957

Colin Stoops, Class of 2000

Jim (JJ) Johnston, Class of 1954

Fred LaLonde, Class of 1962

Stella "Mary" Cicak Draves, Class of 1964

Mary Kay Netzhammer Phillips, Class of 1959

Bruce Boling, Class of 1955

John Young, Class of 1983

James (Jim) Lake, Class of 1961

James (Jim) Ray, Class of 1960

Deanna Paras, Class of 2006

Paul Stropky, Class of 1958

Dacre Shawn Sullivan, Class of 1978

Dennis Schuman, Class of 1963

Carol Coppage Garland, Class of 1965

JULY 2020:

Evelyn Lowitt Rippe, Class of 1938

Rosalind Marjanian Howell, Teacher

Ralph Messina, Class of 1956

Thomas (Tom) Mole, Class of 1956

Nancy Wagoner Detterline, Class of 1953

William (Bill) Nault, Class of 1961

Rosemary Bowman Miko, Class of 1975

Rachel Neier Piunti, Class of 1998

Keith Kennett, Class of 1964

Phillip (Phil) Conn, Class of 1968

Donald Radulovich, Sr., Class of 1949

Harlan Stratton, Class of 1945

JUNE 2020:

Gene Bray, Class of 1947

Lana Gott Berleman Bethel, Class of 1961

John Berdy, Class of 1971

Keith Worthington, Class of 1976

Gilbert (Gib) Robinson, Class of 1959

Jean Paxton, Class of 1974

Loren Fisher II, Class of 1986

Cynthia (Cindy) Gospodarek, Class of 1975

Don Welton, Class of 1976

Debra Streeter, Class of 1984

James Ryan, Class of 1949

James "Jamie" Sloas, Class of 1992

Wallie Ahlgrim Overturf, Class of 1959

Kathleen (Kathy) Zeimis, Class of 1973

Gloria Suarez Cavanaugh, Class of 1959

Vickie Bivins Lerch, Class of 1970

John Marks, Class of 1967

Robert Shone, Class of 1955

Bridgette Frankovich, Class of 2005

Charles (Chuck) Smith, Class of 1963

Jeffery (Jeff) McCullough, Class of 1977

MAY 2020:

Mary Jane McSherry Sroufek-Draves, Class of 1965

Shirley Lankford Pope, Class of 1942

Richard (Rich) Cawley, Class of 1983

Douglas Mills, Class of 1979

Jerry Wright, Class of 1968

Linda "Janie" Eaton Camann, Class of 1961

Robert (Bob) Fife, Class of 1968

Karen Galster Green, Class of 1967

Aleen Doolittle Barnes, Class of 1935

Alice Frankenhauser Wheeler, Class of 1970

Philip (Phil) McDowell, Class of 1965

APRIL 2020:

Louise Brown McGhee, Class of 1955

Alan Abel, Class of 1947

Robert Davis, Class of 1941

Paula Brasser Doman, Class of 1958

Joe Howard, Class of 1971

Robert (Bob) Wronko, Class of 1958

Margaret "Peggy" MacLeod, Class of 1962

Steve Atwater, Class of 1962

Richard Campos, Class of 1951

Daniel (Dan) Kolczak, Class of 1956

Carole Gilbert, Class of 1952

Edward (Ed) Hughes, Class of 1958

John Hughes, Class of 1963

Connie Beres, Class of 1963

Thomas (Tom) Leonard, Class of 1961

Michael Lowell, Class of 1998

Doris Singleton Rife, Class of 1953

William (Bill) Aldrin, Class of 1972

Cassandra Zulick Matie, Class of 1962

Doreen Carpenter Sweeney, Class of 1957

Hal Ward Back, Class of 1990

MARCH 2020:

Marlynn Fleck O'Keefe, Class of 1941                                                                                                                          

Barbara Distell Ehrhardt, Class of 1948

Glenda Bolen Rice, Class of 1959

Myrna Eikenbary Hart, Class of 1957

Richard (Dick) Zickuhr, Class of 1963

Alex Camplan, Class of 1970

Glenda Swanson Garriott, Class of 1957


*MaryAnn McCollough McCormack, Class of 1965

Arlene Erwin Greene, Class of 1950

Gordon Perney, Class of 1942

Pauline Moll Guin Neighbors, Class of 1945

Kathy ("Katie") DeFrance Baum, Class of 1962

Robert (Bob) Hughes, Class of 1968

Kenneth (Ken) Winston, Class of 1965

Donna Ahlgrim Benedict, Class of 1951

Bill Rich, Class of 1970

Lora Tromble Duncan, Class of 1974

Joe Henley, Class of 1958

Antonette (Toni) Pawlicki Harrison, Class of 1954

Janet Thelma Schavey Harding, Class of 1956

Daniel Lemon, Class of 1968

Terry Storey, Class of 1961

Robert (Bob) Ruzbasan, Class of 1985

Joseph (Joe) Vossberg, Class of 1987


*Melanie McNeish, Class of 2006

Patricia Doolin Kelley, Class of 1955

Michael (Mike) McGriffin, Class of 1981

Robert Noakes, Class of 1971

Stanley Leszczynski (Leszynski), Class of 1942

Jeanette Bliss Lovall, Class of 1965

Shirley Mundell Stozek, Class of 1943

Richard "Ricky" Messina, Class of 1997

Helen Dollstedt Stern, Class of 1947

Michael Shiyan, Class of 1976

Marilyn Ledyard Nathan, Class of 1969

Richard (Dick) Morehouse, Class of 1958

Eugene (Ted) Mioduski, Sr., Class of 1952

Dennis Stevens, Class of 1969

Glenn Carlson, Class of 1950

Judy Thompson Hall, Class of 1959

John Batzel, Class of 1959

Anna Snyder Wring, Class of 1953

Richard (Rick) Balutewicz, Class of 1990

Charles (Chuck) Luedtke, Class of 1948

Lauren Romeo, Class of 2020

Doris Novotny Bessigano, Class of 1958


Daniel (Dan) Mathews, Class of 1970


Alma Hoddy Seiss, Class of 1949

Jay Greene, Class of 1946

Monica Talley Nibbe, Class of 1961

Wayne Bauer, Class of 1959

Richard (Rick) Lind, Class of 1973

Eugene Brandt, Class of 1945

Sandra (Sandy) Dees Caldwell, Class of 1958

Lorraine Anderson Rearick, Class of 1942

Shirley Carstensen Price, Class of 1947

Ralph Kennedy, Class of 1964

Rebecca (Becky) Taylor Currie, Class of 1975

Robert Rauscher, Class of 1978

Ruth Ann Thiel, Class of 1964

Gayle Huminsky Warnimont, Class of 1955


*Cody Cox, Class of 2013

William Morris, Class of 1965

Louis "Frank" Donaldson, Class of 1967

Gerald (Jerry) Brown, Class of 1983

Bill Bloom, Class of 1949

Robert (Bob) Caesar, Class of 1955

Andrew (Drew) Solomon, Class of 2010

Jeff Hughes, Class of 1983

Betty Fifield Schoonover, Class of 1945

Richard (Rick) Seeley, Class of 1971

Betty Erwin Dotson, Class of 1973

Charles "Chuck" Schwuchow, Class of 1973

Arthur Keefe, Class of 1968

Royce Peterson, Class of 1963

Mary Wagoner Peek, Class of 1959


Irma Becker, Teacher

Karen Lee Stephens Love, Class of 1969

David Jordan, Class of 1959

Donald Radulovich, Class of 1982

Diana Gymrek, Class of 1956

Linda Smith Tremmel, Class of 1964

Thomas (Tom) Thiel, Class of 1972

Doug Lacey, Class of 1967

Chuck McIntire, Class of 1964

Edward Mioduski, Class of 1950


Lois Butler Cook, Boyd, Seehausen, Class of 1954

Jeanne Sloan Guarnery, Class of 1967

David Olovich, Class of 1965

Otto Massow, Class of 1953

Pedro "Pete" Rios, Class of 1962

Tracey Bolinger Class of 1979

Eddie Skimehorn, Class of 1970

Cathern Woods Sorrick, Class of 1942

Gary Erwin, Class of 1976

Lynn (Jack) Harter, Class of 1952

Ronald Gee, Class of 1959

Bryan Richa, Class of 1983

Irene Ksenak Mockaitis, Class of 1959

Pam Costello Harkins, Class of 1979

AUGUST 2019:

Gilda Teffertiller Rohde, Class of 1959

Joyce Small, Class of 1946

Matilda Fas Chappo, Class of 1947

James Meade, Class of 1959

Ann Knocke Tanner, Class of 1980

John Mosley, Class of 1955

Donna Mae Schavey Olson, Class of 1948

Gloria Grabczak Sullivan, Class of 1964

Samuel (Sam) Kozaitis, Class of 1948

Anthony (Tony) Nowasadski, Class of 1971

Kent Smith, Class of 1963

Barbara "Bobbie" Carter Thompson, Class of 1950

Marianne Dunn Quillen, Class of 1964

Helen Robinson Atwater, Class of 1963

Edward (Ed) Wallace, Class of 1975

JULY 2019:

Margaret Mann Wineinger, Class of 1948

Mary Matsey Fulkerson, Class of 1964

Vicky Burgess Withers, Class of 1972

Jack Howey, Class of 1943

Shirley Roper Gradle, Class of 1940

Gail Jenkins Nibbe, Class of 1960

Patricia (Pat) Erwin Fahey, Class of 1964

Lucille Popp Kingery, Class of 1950

Patricia Leonard Dooling, Class of 1957

Joan Jablonski Easton, Class of 1950

Debbie Krupchak Wilfong, Class of 1973

Brian Coates, Class of 1991

(Katherine) Joan Sutherlin Holzmer (Art Teacher)

Stephen Rettig, Class of 1963

Timothy Chappo, Class of 1978

JUNE 2019:

Florence Leszczynski (Lesczynski) Nowasadski, Class of 1947

Leslie Spoentgen Kleinknight, Class of 1980

Gojko "George" Blecic, Class of 1994

Beverly "Jean" Emory Lloyd, Class of 1955

Ralph Knickerbocker, Class of 1960

Ruth Carlson Strom, Class of 1947

Doug Rusak, Class of 1963

Carol Sherrard Bushore, Class of 1962

Janette "Roberta" Henry Miller, Class of 1955

Frankie Bayor Stewart, Class of 1954

Sarah Jo Weller Harrell, Class of 1970

Lawrence Van Loon, Class of 1956

Warren Trager, Class of 1939

MAY 2019:

Marie Gottschling Szostek, Class of 1947

William (Bill) Anderson, Teacher

Larry Clapp, Class of 1975

Thomas (Tom) Wenzel, Class of 1973

Meghan Johnston, Class of 2001

Jim Arreola, Class of 1969

Michelle Nagy Block, Class of 1981

Barbara Schlarp McDonald, Class of 1967

JoAnn Lindsey Cortelyou, Class of 1959

Richard Spears, Class of 1958

Rodney (Rod) Baker, Class of 1966

Erma Crum Ewigleben, Class of 1951

John Thyen, Class of 1948

APRIL 2019:

Terry Bailey, Class of 1978

Roberta Henningfield Back, Class of 1959

Maurice "Dick" Stump, Class of 1959

Al Powell, Class of 1957

Marty Summers, Class of 1969

Arthur Calvin, Class of 1943

Carolyn Aton, Class of 1977

Margaret "Margie" Sandor Carter, Class of 1965

Jeffrey Todd, Class of 1995

Richard (Rich) Locke, Class of 1964

Lynda Harter Quigley, Class of 1962

Wayne Erwin, Class of 1966

Connie Colburn Popcheff, Class of 1970

Richard Ondrovich, Class of 1962

Steve Hallett, Class of 1976

MARCH 2019:

Virginia Marvel Sayles, Class of 1941

Cyndi Ann Wilfong, Class of 1975

Rita Fennessy Lamprecht, Class of 1962

Elizabeth (Betty) Rearick Salapski, Class of 1958

Jeff Schmelter, Class of 1973

Joyce Pavy Delmage, Class of 1958

Veronica Levan Miller, Class of 1961

Lisa Kennedy, Class of 1991

John Thomas, Class of 1949

Paul Dubenetzky, Class of 1969

Donald (Don) Huminsky, Class of 1952

Jason Burrell, Class of 1992

Jim Davis, Class of 1952

Karen Anderson Anders, Class of 1957

Katherine (Kathy) McKnight Graves, Class of 1958

Dolores "Dorie" Distell Brennan, Class of 1953

John Ballantyne, Class of 1946

Robert (Rob) Lubovich, Class of 2002

Terry Lee Shaw, Class of 1956

Robbin Freville Mullins, Class of 1973


Hazel Morgan Needham, Class of 1944

Jean Heavilin Vanaman, Class of 1957

Elizabeth (Betty) Bright Burke, Class of 1938

Michael "Mick" Pillar, Class of 1961

Daryl Bateman, Class of 1974

Pete Delich, Class of 1965

Harry Luke, Class of 1947

Dean Marquart, Class of 1976


*William (Bill) Shroyer, Class of 1982

Frances "Fritz" Zbyrowski Harris, Class of 1945

Brent Roush, Class of 1983

Gerald "Jerry" Madacjzyk, Class of 1959

Bruce Hunsicker, Class of 1957

Rudolph (Rudy) Arreola, Class of 1967

Thomas Paree, Class of 1976

Evelyn (Evy) Hill Gallagher, Class of 1977

Carolyn Schiess, Class of 1989

Michael Galler, Class of 1975

Alfred (Fred) Florios, Class of 1950

Robert "Bobby" Helfrich-Joos, Class of 1984

Bob Kuechenberg, Class of 1965

Steven Furnish, Class of 1958


Madeline Barello Hentzell Rhoda Brush, Class of 1945

James (Jim) Langendorfer, Class of 1951

Edward Schmelter, Class of 1943

Virgil Lara, Class of 1959

James (Jim) Guth, Class of 1965

Sans "Sandy" Wright Smith, Class of 1961

Carolyn Kozyra Sasak, Class of 1965

Fonda Rushing Broadaway, Class of 1970

Jerry Springman, Class of 1950

Allan Vanderplough, Class of 1956


Charlene (Char) O'Connor

Kenneth (Ken) Moberg, Class of 1960

Robert "Bob" Etter, Class of 1958

Harold "Steve" Stevens, Class of 1938

Ellen Thoreson (Thorson) Keplar, Class of 1944

William (Bill) Roth, Class of 1966

Donna Harkins Rittenour, Class of 1967

Ivan Hiestand, Class of 1964

Carol Schavey Werner, Class of 1945

Susan (Sue) Brickley Edmonston, Class of 1966

Dean McKenzie, Class of 1974

Patrick (Pat) Romanchek, Class of 1968


Betty Carter Rose, Class of 1947

Pauline Potts, Class of 1981

Jane Collins Hoefflicker, Class of 1954

Frank Green (Teacher)

Virginia Martin Stiburski, Class of 1963

Doris Kenniger Edwards, Class of 1958

Kenneth Markfull (Coach)

Keith Coons, Class of 1953

Michael (Mike) Kline, Class of 1971

Paul Zander, Class of 1941

James (Jim) Sandilla, Class of 1959

Allan Wielogorski, Class of 1958

Brian Barton, Class of 1980

Sally Lepell Rose, Class of 1957


Rose Luczak-Jager, Class of 1973

Jim Grudzinski, Class of 1962

Tom Caldwell, Class of 1966

Floyd Rogers, Class of 1961

Mary Stringer Killens, Class of 1950

David (Dave) Carpenter, Class of 1961

James Lifke (Coach)

Ronald Parduhn, Class of 1969

Sarah Barber Paris, Class of 2004

Kathleen (Kathy) Cooper Fay, Class of 1972

Gerald "Jerry" Anderson, Class of 1960

David Metz, Class of 1965

AUGUST 2018:

Lena Cadle Schindler, Custodian

Victoria Pflughoeft Richmond, Class of 1941

Josephine Prusinski Peek, Class of 1942

Kathleen (Kathy) Walker, Class of 1973

Glenna Kay Beckett Lamphier, Class of 1961

Ed Ferguson, Class of 1954

Deanna "Dee" Wardecki Swiney, Class of 1988

Linda Marlow Morris, Class of 1967

Linda Dinsmore Morgan, Class of 1965

Randy Hinkle, Class of 1958

Kenneth (Kenny) Erwin, Class of 1953

Geri Kopko Kovel, Class of 1958

Harley Martin, Class of 1940

Larry Tosch, Class of 1968

Mark Wignall, Class of 1975

Robin Gabel Dustman, Class of 1975

Geraldine (Evelyn) Erwin Ehrhardt, Class of 1953

JULY 2018:

Jim Nelson, Class of 1978

Gaynale Cheek Kapika, Class of 1979

Tom Gasche, Class of 1959

Norma McKnight Labadie, Class of 1953

Patricia Saynak Ribar, Class of 1958

George Hennings, Class of 1964

Kent Carlson, Class of 1953

Susan (Sue) Smith Dubach, Class of 1975

JUNE 2018:

David (Dave) Flick, Class of 1972

Patricia Forsythe Mathias, Class of 1951

Wayne Schenk, Class of 1968

Sandra Overturf Harvey, Class of 1964

Raymond "Terry" Jackson, Class of 1977

Catherine Bobele Wilson, Class of 1983

Margaret Miko MacKenzie, Class of 1972

Robert Addison, Class of 1966

Gail Zelenka Woods, Class of 1965

Donald LaVelle, Class of 1975

Gary Krischano, Class of 1958

Ted Milenkoff, Class of 1954

Connie Goldsworthy, Class of 1993

MAY 2018:

Edith Wilson Whisler, Class of 1939

Claudia Quinlan Bragg, Class of 1959

Richard (Rick) Forrest, Class of 1985

Marlene Anderson Shupe, Class of 1968

Robert (Bob) Allen Ewing, Class of 1977

Michael (Mike) Sopko, Class of 1964

David "Larry" Johnston, Class of 1967

Edward (Ed) Esping, Class of 1967

Louis "Bud" Layhew, Class of 1967

James (Jim) Johnson, Class of 1963

Marietta Shelby Mills, Class of 1947

Robert (Bob) Killens, Class of 1948

Nancy Wean Scarborough, Teacher

Karen Porter, Class of 1973

APRIL 2018:

Brian Knickerbocker, Class of 1962

Dale McKnight, Class of 1945

Cynthia "Diane" Newman Donovan, Class of 1972

Jane Schwuchow White-Rowlas, Class of 1961

Fred Groomer, Class of 1954

Barbara Oglesby Coleman, Class of 1962

Alice Stevens Cline, Class of 1941

Rob Witt, Class of 1995

Ronnie Ritter, Class of 1957

MARCH 2018:

Jacquelyn (Jackie) Gilger Warner, Class of 1938

Michael (Mike) Gravel, Class of 1980

Evan Kisela, Class of 1956

Fred Comer, Class of 1964

Marvin Wineinger, Class of 1949

Charles (Chuck) Reha, Class of 1974

Mona Kuechenberg Yaselsky, Class of 1972

Kathy Frost, Class of 1972

Arlene Graham Specht, Class of 1944

Terry Overturf, Class of 1973

Lois Blackman Uzelac, Class of 1948

Eleanor "Rexine" Choisser Johnson, Class of 1948

Virginia Wilson Lucas, Class of 1964

Jo Anne Workman Williams, Class of 1954

Janie Sue Ayers Marchuk, Class of 1965

Nancy Bryan Geleott, Class of 1958

Patricia Scaparro (Staff)


Nancy Walker, Class of 2018

Shirley Schmidt Bergman, Class of 1953

Nancy McLennan Walker, Class of 1964

William Hughes, Class of 1953

Mary Loggie Jones, Class of 1946

Valeria Mayes Sleeper, Class of 1958

Warren Garner (Teacher)

Susan Acsbok Hartleroad, Class of 1993

James (Jim) Boston, Class of 1967

Jeffery Plews, Class of 1986

Don Bullard, Class of 1970


Arlene Soderquist Leonard, Class of 1950

William (Bill) Remus, Class of 1956

Leon "Rusty" Schultz, Class of 1963

Sandy Spencer Jones, Class of 1968

Mary McRitchie, Class of 1942

Marian Bodine Pence, Class of 1946

Jeffrey (Jeff) Johnson, Class of 1963

Theresa (Terri) Wolfe Adams, Class of 1970

Sue Cowsert Millender, Class of 1973

William "Willy" Dale, Class of 1997

Jillian Marler Homier, Class of 1998

Deborah Camarena, Class of 1983

Gerald (Jerry) Waite, Class of 1952

Richard "Ricky" Pontney, Class of 2001


Patrick Beattie, Class of 1947

Betty Harner Mitchell, Class of 1947

Thomas Babcock, Class of 1968

Joyce Gullic Mathias, Class of 1950

James Lichtenberger (Teacher)

Michael Donovan, Class of 1973

Cheryl King Mathis, Class of 1965

Joseph Goulden, Class of 1958

Mary Tatalovich Magurean, Class of 1940

Gary Banks, Class of 1964

Nelson Wittman, Class of 1948

Larry Mazepa, Class of 1973

Bill Matthews, Class of 1966


Glee Huge Krantz, Class of 1949

Marjorie Lounsbury Kittredge, Class of 1939:

Marian Pritchard Waid, Class of 1938

Mickey Dooling, Class of 1966

Ann Jackson (Staff)

Robert (Bob) Swisher, Class of 1967

Bob Upthegrove, Class of 1972

Shirley Lavon Farley, Class of 1977

Karen Cook, Class of 1960

Dick Hanson, Class of 1958

Joyce Muir Meister, Class of 1954

Robert Eastwood, Class of 1964

Allen Craig, Class of 1954

Marlene Hamann Popp, Class of 1951

William (Bill) Woods, Class of 1953

Lorraine Sonntag Kietzman, Class of 1942


Dorothy June Dees Wolfe, Class of 1948

Gerald White, Class of 1980

Everett Swynenberg, Class of 1948

Wayne Miller, Class of 1952

Joseph Toscani, Class of 1959

Janet Erwin Bechler, Class of 1956

Kelsey Mireles McKinney, Class of 2010

Susan Sobczak Fleming, Class of 1982


Phyllis Schroeder Parker, Class of 1939

Margaret Louise "PeggyLou" Baile Stanley, Class of 1942

Kenneth Rieck, Class of 1941

Ethan Owens, Class of 1953

Richard Wesley, Class of 1949

Sharon Campbell Zimny, Class of 1961

Joel Pence, Class of 1971

Cindy Willmoth Macomber, Class of 1970

Jackie Schmelter, Class of 1982

Dan Bombarg, Class of 1976

Kellylynn (Kelly) Caldwell Landgraf, Class of 1989

AUGUST 2017:

Kathy Lee Shearhod, Class of 1977

Veronica "Sue" LaCoss Granzow (Staff)

Andrew (Andy) Cupka, Class of 1981

Tanya Pavel Gaskins, Class of 1980

Paula Saylor, Class of 1982

Gary Shear, Class of 1966

Barbie Scott, Class of 1975

Mary Duffy Collins, Teacher

Jeannine Sawyer Kupec, Class of 1951

Brian Rushing, Class of 1993

Cynthia Ballog Paitsell, Class of 1959

JULY 2017:

Fredrick (Fred) Jordan, Class of 1942

Ruth Williamson Bianco, Class of 1952

Pauline Sandala, Class of 1952

Rebecca (Becky) Kuechenberg, Class of 1980

Robert (Bob) Dawson, Class of 1982

William Gregory (Teacher)

Ann Oglesby Atwell, Class of 1961

Sandy Shirk Manning, Class of 1975

Bill Bodnar, Class of 1967

Ron Thoreson, Class of 1964

Maria Kucko Cowsert, Class of 1958

Peggy Missal Whiting, Class of 1962

Natalie Murchek Pascente, Class of 1987

MaryAnn Cicillian Popp, Class of 1946

Bob Wayman, Class of 1981

Kurt Imboden, Class of 1979

Steve Piornack, Class of 1967

Jeff Erbe, Class of 1980

JUNE 2017:

Marguerite Mason Noll, Class of 1942

Sandra (Sandy) Jamison Chambers, Class of 1981

Ruth Henschel Koeller, Class of 1947

IdaBelle Dembosky VanWormer, Class of 1939

Charles Merodias, Class of 1948

Carol Seagraves Hancock, Class of 1962

Joseph (Kelly) Cieskiewicz, Class of 1982

Larry Rosenbaum, Class of 1960

Carol Melnyk Eberhardt, Class of 1958

Rita Hughes Michaels, Class of 1942

Jack Treadway, Class of 1946

Clifford Fackler (Teacher)

Henry "Hank" Buczek, Class of 1947

MAY 2017:

Donna Johnston Stanley, Class of 1944

Phillip Simmons, Class of 1972

Kaye Sillery Fissinger, Class of 1962

Frank Davis, Class of 1934 (101 years old)

James Crouch, Class of 1966

Ella Kannowski Frum, Class of 1971

Barbara Chirila Ortiz, Class of 1956

Cecil "Bud" Hamilton, Class of 1943

Donald Govert, Class of 1949

Cathie Jacobs Billhardt, Teacher

Sarah Rivera Gedda, Class of 2008

JoAnne Greener Schinella, Class of 1976

Margaret Watts, Staff

APRIL 2017:

June Danbro Dominick, Class of 1947

Wilma Raschka McLain, Class of 1935

Tommie Spears, Class of 1956

Rada (Radojka) Pejovich Josifovski, Class of 1980

Robert Shearer, Class of 1956

David Haynes, Class of 1958

Larry Leech, Class of 1959

Beverly Coleman Craidon, Class of 1952

Marjorie Smallwood Shepley, Class of 1951

Ronald (Ron) King, Class of 1965

Michael Cary, Class of 1964

James Ewigelben, Class of 1951

David Zeller, Class of 1962

Roberta "Bobbi" Reha Knouff, Class of 1963

Dorothy Cox Woodruff, Class of 1962

Jean Darling Humbert, Class of 1958

William (Bill) Horst, Class of 1954

Laura (Laurie) Larson Hudson, Class of 1975

James Henderson, Class of 1943

MARCH 2017:

Pearl Kratkoczki Lucier, Class of 1949

Evelyn Koski Corgan, Teacher

Olive Rees Gibson, Class of 1939

Larry Buckreus, Class of 1947

Barbara Kincheloe Fowler Voris, Class of 1974

Donna Haxton Scharbach, Class of 1947

Judy Williams Scholl, Class of 1968

Larry (George) Hagle, Class of 1958

Bobbie Hanley, Teacher

Sharon Draves Prage, Class of 1963

Daniel "Danny" Mitchell, Class of 1993

Mark Malamatos, Class of 1974

Sally Fox, Class of 1988

Linda Kisela Blankenship, Class of 1965

Kathleen Olsen Mack, Class of 1957

Lillian Umlauft Cooper, Class of 1953

Joel Remaley, Class of 1957

Marvin Boetcher, Class of 1967

Carol Kostbade Pavot, Class of 1947

Robert (Bob) Loiacano, Class of 1962

Carmella Calabro Aspinwall, Class of 1947


Kenneth Borchelt, Teacher

Donald Tracy, Class of 1945

Dorian Sobat, Class of 1946

Paul Fortier, Class of 1972

Ronald Lovall, Class of 1962

William (Bill) Hess, Class of 1955

Adam Holbrook, Class of 2008

Wanda Wenzel Smith, Class of 1978

Ronald Garrard, Class of 1951

Judith Hurley Faulkner, Class of 1959

Gloria Wichman Snedden, Class of 1946

Jack Cochran, Class of 1959

Byron "Bud" Pio, Class of 1939

James E. (Jim) Crum, Class of 1953


Natalie Vitelli Wilander, Class of 1951

Joanna Noggle Kasper, Class of 1953

Michael (Mike) Bellinger, Class of 1981

William (Bill) Wilfong, Class of 1977

Michael Galler, Class of 1996

Dale Catt, Class of 1947

Brad Smith, Class of 1962

Dave Wozniak, Class of 1986

Don Richard "Rick" Schiller, Class of 1974

Carol Setlak Orosz, Class of 1964

Paul Allen Gjebre, Class of 1983

James Topping, Class of 1958

William (Bill) Reed, Class of 1968

Patty Jean Manis Nelson, Class of 1954

Mitchell (Mitch) Sawochka, Class of 1980

Carroll Eugene "Gene" Clemens, Class of 1954

Marguerite "Maggie" O'Keefe Wheeler, Class of 1947

James (Jim) Mackey, Class of 1954


Charlotte Hayworth Campbell, Class of 1943

Rose Valovich Sorg, Class of 1957

Thomas Menefee, Sr., Class of 1959

Rose Mary Gant Adams, Class of 1969

Robert (Bob) Gradle, Class of 1940

Thomas (Tom) Parry (Puchowski), Class of 1971

Ryan Karageorge, Class of 2001

David (Dave) Beres, Class of 1961

Michael (Mike) Hallas, Class of 1965

William (Bill) McRitchie, Class of 1945

Richard "Rick" Orosz, Class of 1971

Susan Vossberg Falatic, Class of 1981

Gene Jones, Class of 1957

Lloyd (Stan) Flick, Class of 1965

Phyllis Dinsmore Kuznicki, Class of 1949


Olive Boudrot Shaw, Class of 1942

William Nowak, Class of 1959

Roberta "Robin" Keefe Mosley, Class of 1971

Rosemary Koselke Fasel, Class of 1946

Jean Edmond Cartwright, Class of 1981

Paul Aleman, Class of 1958

Catherine Galich Lenburg, Class of 1947

Jennifer Syjut, Class of 2012

Thomas Bell, Class of 1965

Jacquelyn (Jacquie) Bixler, Class of 1957

Jeffrey (Jeff) Flatt, Class of 1974

Phillip Francis, Class of 1955

Jerry Rebeck, Class of 1973


Anna (Ann) Mihich Kvortek, Class of 1941

Thomas (Tommy) Rees, Class of 1942

Annabel Inscho Thomae, Class of 1936

Steven (Steve) Zajec, Class of 1945

Lonnie Layhew, Class of 1986

Norine Frederick Beckner, Class of 1939

Elizabeth (Liz) Reynolds Layhew-Kyle, Class of 1962

Norman Johnson, Class of 1941

Paul Bartz, Class of 1958

Joe Cyprian, Class of 1982

Alexander Zdravich, Class of 1968

Daniel Bradfield, Class of 1969

Charles Lake, Class of 1959

John Sepke, Class of 1957

Shirley Mae Kohn Boessel, Class of 1951


Mary Watson Mock, Class of 1946

Alice Vincent Gromble Whytock, Class of 1941

Alfred Basile, Class of 1959

Spencer Asbell, Class of 2013

Judi Young, Class of 1974

Dennis Terry, Class of 1960

Virginia "Ginni" Winston, Class of 1973

Richard Gee, Class of 1982

Joseph Gresser, Class of 1959

AUGUST 2016:

Robert Baile, Class of 1942

Eugene Mack, Class of 1949

Cynthia Gillis Sweetser, Class of 1963

Jack Tapper, Class of 1956

Frank Mitchell, Jr., Class of 1954

Mondell Carol Sears McDowell, Class of 1968

Rik Eickstead, Class of 1979

David Henley, Class of 1955

George Luke, Sr., Class of 1946

Janette Storey Christiansen, Class of 1955

Randy Campbell, Class of 1970

JULY 2016:

Marie Olga Klicek Kirkpatrick, Class of 1942

Doris Carlson Worthington, Class of 1941

Imogene "Emma Jean" Glynn Marquart, Class of 1941

JUNE 2016:

Marilynn Baumer Graebner, Class of 1941

Patricia Nariss Kleim, Class of 1952

Richard (Rick) Castellanos, Class of 1978

Lee Thompson, Class of 1979

Joe Koselke, Class of 1952

William "Bill" Vinzant, Class of 1953

Francis "Bud" Toering, Class of 1959

Phyllis Ziemer Moore, Class of 1964

Phillip "Doug" Treece, Class of 1976

Joan "Joanie" Erwin, Class of 1972

Charlene Erwin Walters, Class of 1962

Dorothy Ittel Michael, Class of 1944

Delores "Dee" Stowers Biel, Class of 1951

Leona Stadtler Fischer, Class of 1946

MAY 2016:

Nick Sweigart, Administrator

Ella Hinchley Brechner, Class of 1941

Roberta Kilander Franz, Class of 1970

Connie Lutz, Class of 1973

Jerry Newman, Class of 1953

LaDonna Piepho Dudzik, Class of 1974

Stacy Juanita Murdock, Class of 1990

Joan Niksch Henderson, Class of 1944

John Earl "Jack" Reid, Class of 1954

Karlie Jean Murdock Ramos, Class of 2001

Kaye Campbell Johnston, Class of 1955

Roger Mergl, Class of 1950

Leonard "Lenny" Yarsh, Class of 1958

Lillian Pojani Husek (Staff)

Lois Hughes Detterline, Class of 1949

Nick Sweigart (Staff)

Jerry Shettles, Class of 1969

James Fahey, Class of 1951

Jack Teer, Class of 1957

APRIL 2016:

Janet Sonntag Kubik, Class of 1956

Phillip (Phil) Whittaker, Class of 1956

Ronald Ranus, Class of 1959

Patricia (Pat) Britton Westmoreland, Class of 1959

Donna Hannah Hawkins, Class of 1976

Deanna Martin Hilty, Class of 1966

James "Jack" Mathis, Class of 1954

Linda Granzow Wilcox, Class of 1959

Alan Vedope, Class of 1966

Richard Sturtridge, Class of 1994

Martha (Joyce) Rhoda (Teacher)

Pete Timpe, Class of 1976

Dennis Coates, Class of 1960

Sid Wilson, Class of 1979

Steve Shiyan, Class of 1955

Phyllis "Phoebe" Dale Lewandowski (Staff)

Richard Abel (Staff)

Mary Killigrew, Class of 1946

MARCH 2016:

Jean Walker Turner Graham, Class of 1941

Diane Tomkiewicz Saviola, Class of 1971

Shirley Gilliam Gilbert, Class of 1954

Barbara (Barb) Titus Allen, Class of 1968

Diana Hutfilz Bourne, Class of 1963

Gorm Jensen, Class of 1968

Gordon Huge, Class of 1953

Cindy Gaedtke Kurpis, Class of 1969

Steve Flick, Class of 1973

Betty Marler Pratt, Class of 1945

Herbert "Herb" Johnson, Class of 1958

Ben Hasza, Class of 1971

Maryann Ahlgrim Duddleston, Class of 1950

James "Jim" Grudzinski, Class of 1990


Ann Iwan Ruzga, Class of 1948

Roger Bridegroom, Class of 1974

Rose Varga Boznak, Class of 1956

Leon Klausen, Class of 1956

Mary Wininger Kraft, Class of 1938

Robert Luken, Class of 1973

Charles Beckner, Class of 1941

Harold "Hal" Goodwin, Class of 1944

Earl McDowell, Class of 1964

Eugene Beckner, Class of 1938


*John Novak, Class of 1980

Edith Sievert Wesley, Class of 1934

Ruth Nagel Niksch-Vestal, Class of 1941

Charles Gardner, Class of 1973

Eugene Erwin, Class of 1960

Jack Overturf, Class of 1959

Shirley Brown Jancaric (Staff)

Sharon Marie Downey Dujmovich, Class of 1956

Nicholas Holzmer, Jr., Class of 1943

Orvin "Butch" Mills, Class of 1974

Helen Evans Cavanaugh Boltz, Class of 1949

Jean Butler Thornton, Class of 1972

Jeffrey Stack, Class of 1967

Pat Wieczorek Murray, Class of 1957

Dolores Enslen Lalevich, Class of 1946


David (Dave) Sgambelluri, Class of 1962


*Kimberly (Kim) Beres Crawford, Class of 1988

Mary Jane Harrigan Bradley, Class of 1943

Mark Solomon, Class of 1975

Eric Harshbarger, Class of 1981

Cheryl Lines Klakoski, Class of 1973

Mark Adelman, Class of 1976

Adeline Schultz Kasperek, Class of 1964

​John Glad, Class of 1959

Patty Shroyer (Staff)

Marilyn Emory Moehl, Class of 1952

Warren Crowder (Teacher)

Amy Cook, Class of 1975

Gregory Doucette, Class of 1972

Robin Cunningham, Class of 1967

Steven Dean Jackson, Class of 2011

Dave Vernigor, Class of 1969

Joyce Hayes Malmquist, Class of 1962

Patricia O'Neill Keefer, Class of 1953

David (Dave) Negrelli, Class of 1980

Edward Biel, Class of 1945


Francine (Fran) Mathews McClaran, Class of 1973

Bernice Trager Johnson, Class of 1941

Dennis Fowler, Class of 1965

Sue (Margaret) Winske Brown, Class of 1966

Betty Moss Moore, Class of 1958

Ritschel "Andy" Anderson, Class of 1935

Shirley Kisela Thompson, Class of 1944

Donald J. Lines, Class of 1953

Mary Smith Whiteside-Rush, Class of 1945


Harold Cox, Class of 1971

James Van Vleet, Class of 1959

Larry Lavern Springman, Class of 1956

Louis Elsner, Class of 1953

Thomas (Tom) Mills, Class of 1957

James "Jim" Ketchem, Class of 1968

David Bood, Class of 1953

Charles "Chuck" Cochran, Class of 1960

Juan Lamar III, Class of 2015

Sally Ann Good (Mackey) Brown, Class of 1958

Betty E. Johnson, Class of 1938

Frances Kobylanski Mitro, Class of 1953

Lawrence "Larry" Fowble, Class of 1963

Kelly Rae Sadelak Schulz, Class of 1980


Donald Pavy, Class of 1956

Kathy Noble Loser, Class of 1963

Doris Blaha Mancilla, Class of 1943

Kenneth R. Coates, Class of 1962

Andy Fabian, Class of 1975

Bonnie Charnetzky Dallas, Class of 1959

Gordon Hamilton, Class of 1952

Richard "Tiger" Bennett, Class of 1972

Steve Salisbury, Class of 1969

James "Jimmy" Vanderplough, Class of 1980

AUGUST 2015:

Philip Ehrhardt, Class of 1947

Mary Guenther Janssen Brunner, Class of 1939

Marietta Peer Schopf, Class of 1943

Carmen Whisler Anderson, Cladd of 1934

Jozella Cronch Cain, Class of 1949

Christine Carpenter Ketchum, Class of 1991

Hugh Brown, Class of 1950

Marty Ferman, Class of 1952

Lila Spoor Seelen, Class of 1946

JULY 2015:​

Mary Lou Klahn Comerford, Class of 1955

Rene Distell Galli, Class of 1956

Richard (Rick) Phillips, Class of 1967

Joanne Strom Katchever, Class of 1948

Helen Sol Bracich, Class of 1947

Mark "Skip" Donelson, Class of 1970

JUNE 2015:

Linda Guss Durbin, Teacher

Lawrence Gee, Class of 1951

Charles Bellinger, Class of 1957

Louis Roper III, Class of 1965

Reginald "Reg" Fowler, Class of 1960

Susan Conrad Burney, Class of 1965

Lorraine Swanson Donely, Class of 1942

Lester Wesley, Class of 1951

Lindy Moss, Class of 1944

Mary Lee Phillips Wilson, Class of 1956

MAY 2015:

Brad Walsh, Class of 1972

James "Tex" Roberts, Class of 1959

Nina Griffiths Beckman, Class of 1940

JoLee McLead Shell, Class of 1949

Charles Vigland, Class of 1959

Ronald Wojtysiak, Class of 1954

Sally Brewer Cope, Staff

Clara Vargas Stefanelli, Class of 1954

David Shedrow, Class of 1969

Pam Brown Coveris, Class of 1970

Dallas Tidwell, Class of 1968

Pete Tomaga, Class of 1987

Martha "Mickey" Raiza Shapley, Class of 1950

Brad Walsh, Class of 1972

Mike Blachly, Class of 1962

Jennifer Sirota, Class of 2002

APRIL 2015:

Patricia (Pat) Morehouse Welzel, Class of 1956

Betty Cuson May, Class of 1941

James Richard "Dick" Sweat", Class of 1950

Marion "Marlin" Pope Gauder, Class of 1944

Katherine (Kathy) Ballard, Class of 1972

Arlene Tarchala Schuler, Class of 1955

Michael (Mike) Stefanchik, Class of 1962

C. Wayne "Bucky" Snider, Class of 1998

Linda Brown Madison, Class of 1969

Raymond (Ray) Lowe, Class of 1982

James (Jim) "Red" Mason, Class of 1958

Douglas "Coach" James, Class of 1961

Sandra (Sandy) Simmons Daniels, Class of 1968

Lawrence (Larry) Bentley, Class of 1967

MARCH 2015:

Martha Fetterer Jones, Class of 1958

William (Bill) Merodias, Class of 1946

Jennifer Powers, Class of 1993

Marilyn Jordan Mundell, Class of 1950

Steven Fessler, Class of 1963

William (Bill) Wuenn, Class of 1975

Carol Crawley Brown, Class of 1960

Terrance (Terry) Nibbe, Class of 1962

Max Milo Roscoe, Class of 1967


Laurette Butler Stewart, Class of 1947

Helen Bardash Taylor, Class of 1945

Sharon Luby O'Rourke, Class of 1962

Robert Wylie (Staff)

Alicia Dearing McAllister, Class of 1957

Larry Kostbade, Class of 1952

Crystal MacNeil Jackson, Class of 1964

Guy Fulkerson, Class of 1985

Augustine "Augie" Aspinwall, Class of 1968

Sharon Kay Byrge Bjork, Class of 1964

Pam Hancock Duda, Class of 1975

Norbert "Norb" Gawrysiak, Class of 1964

Sharon Patteson Vukin, Class of 1970

Delos Roland "Del" Brooks, Class of 1941


Ruth Wolfe Cronch Beck, Class of 1948

Martha Mueller Taylor, Class of 1938

Terri Joiner O'Rourke, Class of 1983

Rose Lee Ewigleben Williams, Class of 1956

Charles Baum, Class of 1984

Kurt Wignall, Class of 1959

Gary Govert, Class of 1970

John Bauswell, Class of 1979

Janet Carlson Larson, Class of 1948

Kristopher Kingery, Class of 1996

Donna Kewlie O'Melia, Class of 1945

Tony Grafton, Class of 1980

Don Burton, Class of 1985

Michael Sebben, Class of 1979

Kenneth Ross, Class of 1974

Marilane Schroeder, Class of 1969


Raymond Ciszek, Class of 1943


Vivian Verplank Turcot, Class of 1942

Lillian June Voke Klahn, Teacher

Donna Vasil Akin, Class of 1963

Diane James, Teacher

Patty Keefe Besse, Class of 1974

Mary Therese Eichstetter, Teacher

Angeline "Angie" Ames, Class of 1947

Dennis Cantrell, Class of 1973


Leonard Ols, Class of 1936

Mary Lou Baer MacAdam, Class of 1945

Bess Westmoreland, Teacher

Rich Fowler, Class of 1972

Connie Spencer Hollar, Class of 1973

Lisa Bauswell Trojan, Class of 1985

William "Billy" Forrest, Class of 1977

Leonard Ols, Class of 1935

Kathleen Stowers Fourman, Class of 1954

Edrena Paulding Callahan, Class of 1949

Sophie Wojihoski, Teacher

Jay Scriba, Class of 1944


Virginia "Peggy" Wright Abraham, Class of 1932

Fred Kyle, Class of 1955

Lucy Eckenrode Gilliam, Class of 1943

Eileen Bellinger Wiggins, Class of 1949

Patricia Krull Combs, Class of 1947

Diane Talian Springman, Class of 1960

Carolynn Martin Lepp, Class of 1957

Violet Galich Prusinski, Class of 1941

Jim Goffiney, Class of 1962

Kurt Kuechenberg, Class of 1969

John McDowell, Class of 1961

Herbert Ellenberger, Class of 1942

Robert A. Gresser, Class of 1962


Carol Geddes Pinkington, Class of 1950

Mary Betty Stevens Worthington, Class of 1938

Mary Walter Hockman, Class of 1948

Sharon Hrapcak Schroeder, Class of 1963

Mary Svetich Mayhew, Class of 1953

Danny Green, Class of 1959

George Harley DeLeurere, Class of 1957

Ruth Balitz Ebbs, Class of 1944

James ("Kozy") Koselke, Class of 1948

Joseph Lane "Joe" Sandilla, Class of 1965

AUGUST 2014:

Herbert Jones, Class of 1943

Frances Virginia Marler Lierman, Class of 1943

Emery Zajec, Class of 1943

Donald Treadway, Class of 1945

Diane Fulton Klassen, Class of 1974

Ben Hasza, Class of 1941

Jenna Christine Carlisle, Class of 2010

Richard Blaszkiewicz, Class of 1967

Danny Gooch, Class of 1974

JULY 2014:

Nicholas Stucker, Class of 2004

Dennis Nelson, Class of 1964

Terry Brooks, Class of 1955

Patricia Gulban, Class of 1948

JUNE 2014:

Rita Schaeffer Dale, Class of 1968

Robert "Bob" Ramsay, Class of 1951

Elin Ballantyne Christianson, Class of 1954

Larry Marquardt (Teacher)

Clarabelle "Clara" Loggie Kostbade, Class of 1943

Andrew Schulatz, Class of 1990

Kenneth Stanley, Class of 1968

Kathleen (Kathy) Knouff Anderson, Class of 1967

MAY 2014:

Ken Ruel, Class of 1963

Carole Downey Powell, Class of 1958

Kenneth Siegesmund, Class of 1932

Sharon Bellinger Mathis, Class of 1965

Joseph "Joe" W. Matan, Class of 1953

Thomas Alvin Weakland, Class of 1956

Nancy Teer Snider, Class of 1985

Dennis Smith, Class of 1959

APRIL 2014:

Marcella Leszczynski Kos, Class of 1945

Robert Palmer, Class of 1950

Joyce Schavey Crowe, Class of 1947

Dr. Richard Worthington, Class of 1938

William (Bill) Furnish, Class of 1962

William "Tom" Mitchell, Class of 1952

Marie Koritko King, Class of 1963

MARCH 2014:

George Hawke, Class of 1934

Mildred Shiyan Kosovich, Class of 1940

Paula Pardus Sheets, Class of 1955


Charles (Chuck) Wittman, Class of 1950

Charles Ronald Walter, Class of 1956

Marilyn Krause Brennan, Class of 1949


Catherine "Kitty" Baile Golden, Class of 1937

Robert Holzmer, Class of 1936

Elaine Reisinger Broschart, Class of 1945

Charles (Chuck) Springman, Class of 1963


Edward Garber, Class of 1941


Mildred Lenburg, Staff

Glenn Palmer, Class of 1960

William (Bill) Holzmer, Class of 1937

John Darosky, Class of 1939

Betsy Collett Lemon, Class of 1962


Elma Allen Mitchell, Class of 1938

Evelyn Glumac Ondrovich, Class of 1939


Robert Hutchens (Hutchins), Class of 1951

William (Bill) Salter, Class of 1939


Shirley Hoff Gronlund, Teacher

Warren Perney, Class of 1939

Marian Schmidt Wise, Class of 1945

Tonya Bowman Freels, Class of 1973

AUGUST 2013:

Dr. Paul Harris, Class of 1937

George Darling, Class of 1952

JULY 2013:

Avis Thompson Truitt, Class of 1945

Theodore (Ted) Svetanoff Marshall, Class of 1947

Michael Ksenak, Class of 1943

JUNE 2013:

Anton (Anthony) Galich, Class of 1939

George Sauter, Class of 1937

Maxine McKee Harris, Class of 1939

Aileen Fleck Williams, Class of 1941

George Fasel, Class of 1943

APRIL 2013:

George Ray Marler, Class of 1946

Edna Rippe, Class of 1943

James (Jim) Nordquist, Class of 1982

MARCH 2013:

Victor Silich, Class of 1946

Eileen Smythe Berg, Class of 1945

Valeria Grey Pruitt, Class of 1945


Christene Bray Tavolacci, Class of 1943

Thomas (Tom) Burke, Class of 1957


Dan Pilipovich, Class of 1981


Harold Meeks, Class of 1946

Bernice Redar Ruge, Class of 1941

William "Kenny" Wilson, Class of 1972

George Dujmovich, Class of 1948


Edward Ingram, Class of 1935

Martha Pender Baker, Class of 1944

Dorothy Ahlgrim Snodgrass, Class oof 1960

Alexander "Sandy" MacLeod, Class of 1959

Judith Lee Baillargeon, Class of 1956


Emmett Earl Dorsey, Class of 1956

William Douglas "Skip" Mourer, Jr., Class of 1956

Gloria Brahst Nordyke, Class of 1944

Carole GIlliam Pangburn, Class of 1956

Una Jean Haxton Cooper, Class of 1938

Kenneth "Buzz" Keller, Class of 1946

AUGUST 2012:

Dorothy Correll Jansen, Class of 1938

Steven Jensen, Class of 1971

Thomas Sanz, Class of 1959

John "Jack" McDougall, Class of 1949

JULY 2012:

Elaine Ludvigson Tromble, Class of 1940

Marie Woods Swanson, Class of 1946

Charles Flick, Class of 1943

Dorothy Flick Ingram, Class of 1938

Susan McLaughlin, Class of 1958

JUNE 2012:

Clarence "Jimmy" Hitson, Class of 1942

Vivian Herring Earles, Class of 1952

MAY 2012:

Ellsworth Melat, Class of 1932

Rita Frett Mauser, Class of 1946

Henry Emden Rippe, Class of 1934

Phyllis Hardman Olson, Class of 1942

Dorothy Ryan Csokasy, Class of 1947

APRIL 2012:

Earl Lloyd Trumbo, Class of 1943

Collette "Coco" Overturf Wooldridge, Class of 1980

Robert Ricketts, Class of 1971

Carolyn McClain, Class of 1958

Ed Broda, Class of 1963

MARCH 2012:

Donald (Don) Dowd, Class of 1952

Vernon Bergman, Class of 1950

Annette Peterson Johnson, Class of 1945

Kenneth Schammert, Class of 1967

Barbara Tarkelly Fasel, Class of 1951

Janet Jones Reller, Class of 1946

James (Jim) Ruchti, Class of 1961


Lorene (Lorraine) Schavey Olsen, Class of 1949

Sharyn Fowler Herren, Class of 1969

Rita Cobble Fujawa, Class of 1964

Glen James Grenier, Class of 1965


Joseph (Joe) Vidal, Class of 1948

Steve (Stefan) Szewczyk, Class of 1939

Anna Rose Heyer Mailheau, Class of 1935

Ruth Nelson Claussen, Class of 1932


Elmer Cook, Class of 1939

Astrid Cicak, Teacher

Clarence Wineinger, Class of 1940


Mary Kinsman Cox, Class of 1937

Albina (Albena) Massa Anselmo, Class of 1936

William Schmidt, Class of 1951


Jean Fiester Mathe, Class of 1943

Shirley Mason Parry, Class of 1937

Vera Mulligan Hutchinson, Class of 1940

Louis Niksch, Class of 1935

Helen Wells DeFries, Class of 1933

Stephanie Kushneruk, Class of 1979


Marcella Ruth Johnson Daily, Class of 1936

Luella Sonntag Wuenn, Class of 1938

Edward Rush (Staff)

Evelyn Adams Sizemore, Class of 1942

Nichole "Nickie" Dingman Enrico, Class of 1997

Dorothea Kurth (Teacher)

Dorothy Treadway Whelan, Class of 1948

AUGUST 2011:

Rick Sigman, Class of 1980

Nora Hofmann Hall, Class of 1935

Helen Prusinski Kustron, Class of 1945

Paul Wineinger, Class of 1940

Richard LaBerteaux, Class of 1940

JULY 2011:

Walter Nabhan, Administrator

Helen (Nadine) Eaton Rubens, Class of 1943

George Bennett, Class of 1973

Harry Goethal III, Class of 1971

JUNE 2011:

Dolores Butler Marshall, Class of 1949

Grace Johnson Kruger, Class of 1936

Jean Call Fasel, Class of 1942

Delores Owens Davis, Class of 1946

Wayne Fasel, Class of 1959

Donald Mundell, Class of 1946

MAY 2011:

Calvin Gafford, Class of 1949

Anthony (Tony) Kupkee, Class of 1942

Donald Marrs, Class of 1936

Cynthia Carpenter Henson, Class of 1991

APRIL 2011:

Elsie Erwin Marvin, Class of 1950

Stanley Joseph (Joe) Klos, Class of 1967

Charles Bridgeman, Class of 1945

Adeline Huml Dalton, Class of 1937

Dala Skimehorn Smith, Class of 1970

Alberta Beveridge, Teacher

Maureen Hunter (Teacher's Aide)

MARCH 2011:

Alice Greenlee, Class of 1942

Jeanette Hamilton Flanagan Sichterman, Class of 1944

Lee Ewing, Jr., Class of 1955

Amarylyce Schmidt Mart (Teacher)

Kenneth Wayte, Class of 1958


Jacquelyn Wilfong Kuznicki, Class of 1950


George Gaylord, Class of 1935

Robert (Bob) Holtzman, Class of 1972

Lynda Herrera Niehaus, Class of 1982

Anna (Anne) Kisola Bruce, Class of 1935

Barbara Howorth Sailor, Class of 1946

Betty Lou Siegesmund Radigan, Class of 1944

William (Bill) Teer, Class of 1963


Paul Hepner, Class of 1948

Marguerite Jones Frederick, Class of 1931

Carl Zitz, Class of 1948

Adah Simpson Pflughoeft, Class of 1935

Emily Pratt Fifield, Class of 1936

Eli Lazar, Class of 1937

Joseph Richard Wegmet, Class of 1949

Robin Gunter Huke, Class of 1982

Robert (Bob) Albers, Class of 1955

Donald Gilbert, Class of 1959


Gertrude Rippe Lewzander, Class of 1936

Gerald Glenn (Jerry) Binkley, Class of 1956

Russell Wayne Flick, Class of 1956

Margaret Rees Zeman, Class of 1936

Phyllis Hansell Sturgis, Class of 1944

Gretna Yunker Connor, Class of 1939

William Massa, Class of 1940

Nancy Spears Reitz, Class of 1968


Alice Cogley Krawczyk, Class of 1955

Herbert (Herbie) Hamilton, Class of 1947

Gary Evanoff, Class of 1971

Edith Brown Siebenthal, Class of 1931

Helen "Bunny" Gruel Redman, Class of 1934

Richard (Dick) Adams, Class of 1929

Marcia Newman, Class of 1971

Angelo "Bruce" Brucato, Teacher

Paul Murray, Class of 1958

Robert Lundy, Class of 1948


Gerald (Jerome, Jerry) Ranus, Class of 1953

Ramah Byall Smith, Class of 1934

Randy Berleen, Class of 1973

AUGUST 2010:

Joyce Lincoln Frenzel, Class of 1935

Jerry Zelenka, Class of 1943

Lynaya Strom Anderson, Class of 1956

JULY 2010:

John Walter, Class of 1955

Cathleen DeMers Maynerich, Class of 1939

Velma Hooseline Lonner, Class of 1930

Kenneth Kostbade, Class of 1936

Lynn Weiler, Class of 1950

Helen Knaga Kaczmarek, Class of 1940

Eileen Kaye Ohmann Roe, Class of 1959

JUNE 2010:

Mary Matis, Teacher

Norman Stangebye, Class of 1935

Dorothy Dankert Wolff, Class of 1950

Richard Averitt, Class of 1939

Florence Sitzenstock, Class of 1940

Irene Govert Killigrew, Class of 1939

Betty Bolton Bingham, Class of 1963

MAY 2010:

Ruth Frank Sargent, Class of 1942

Mary Kreider Zimmerman, Class of 1967

Alice Novotny Karel, Class of 1950

Fred Fasel, Class of 1948

Robert Keller, Class of 1941

APRIL 2010:

Irene Krawczyk Jankowicz, Class of 1945

Evelyn Rampke Fischer, Class of 1947

Ken Lysiak, Class of 1970

Edward (Ed) Goff, Class of 1958

Floyd Wineinger, Class of 1942

Peggy Trail Hill, Class of 1963

MARCH 2010:

Wilma Robb Knopic, Class of 1947

Helen Louise Picon Green, Class of 1953

Donna Stumke Springman, Class of 1955

David (Dave) Mullins, Class of 1974


Albert Kazlauski (Kazwell), Class of 1942

Vada Thompson Shearer, Class of 1933

Gregory Strom, Class of 1945


James (Jim) Kristoff, Teacher

Willetta Klug Kennedy, Class of 1947

Wayne Hall, Class of 1963