Ruth Laverne Wolfe Beck
Birth 19 Jul 1930, Gary, Lake County, Indiana, USA
Death 22 Jan 2015 (aged 84), Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana, USA
Burial Cremated, Location of ashes is unknown
Memorial ID 141689690
Ruth L. Beck, age 84, of Kouts, passed away Thursday, January 22, 2015 in Valparaiso. She was born the daughter of Vess and Ethel Wolf on July 19, 1930 in Gary, Indiana. Ruth married Richard Cronch and had four children: Linda (Ken) Bastasich, Larry (Charlotte, to whom Ruth referred to as her favorite daughter-in-law) Cronch, Doug Cronch and Mike Cronch all of which survive. Also surviving are several grandchildren and her present husband John Beck. Ruth worked as a secretary for Eagle Aircraft for 20 years before she retired. Ruth always loved the song “I did it my way” and that is how she lived her life “Her Way”.
This information and the picture below were obtained from: The picture above was obtained from the 1948 HHS Memories yearbook, made available by the Lake County Public Library, at:
Brief Life History of Ruth Laverne
When Ruth Laverne Wolfe was born on 19 July 1930, in Gary, Lake, Indiana, United States, her father, Vess Lawrence Wolfe, was 23 and her mother, Ethel Amanda Williamson, was 20. She married Richard W Cronch on 14 July 1948, in Lake, Indiana, United States. She lived in Hobart Township, Lake, Indiana, United States in 1940 and Hobart, Ross Township, Lake, Indiana, United States for about 1 years. She died on 22 January 2015, in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States, at the age of 84.
This information was obtained from: