Shearer of Hales Corners, WI and Pamela Shearer of Glendale, WI; loving father of Richard (Ruth) Shearer of Bronxville, NY and dear grandfather of Dr. Lee Shearer and her husband, John Radice of Philadelphia, PA; and Kate Shearer currently of Sydney, Australia; adoring great grandfather of Dylan and Zoe Shearer of Glendale, WI. He is further survived by loving niece Mary Ann Thompson of Hobart and her father and Vada's brother, Max Thompson; nephews, John (Jack) Quillen of SC and Tom Quillen of TN; and friend, Yusuf Muhammad of Milwaukee, WI.
Cal was known and loved by many friends and associates. Cal was a lifelong resident of Hobart and was very active in his community throughout his life. He owned a gas station and grocery store at 10th and Lincoln Sts. prior to and during World War II. He also welded liberty ships and tanks during the war. Later he joined his father, Howard in Shearer and Son Coal and Fuel Oil Company. Cal was a founding member and first president of the Hobart Petroleum Assn., a founding member and first president of the Ainsworth-Deep River Fire Dept. and a past president of the Hobart Historical Society. He served on the Boards of the Hobart Industrial and Economic Development Corp., the Lake County Economic Development Authority and Community Relations of St. Mary Hospital of Hobart. He held memberships in the Hobart Chamber of Commerce, the Hobart Fraternal Order of Police, the Better Business Bureau of Northwest Indiana, the Indiana Fuel Merchants Assn. and the Izaak Walton League. He was honored to have been the Grand Marshal of the 1991 Hobart Fourth of July parade. In his personal life, he served as a Cub Scout Pack Master and was active in Little League. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church.
A Memorial Service of Thanksgiving will be held on Saturday, May 26, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 Luther Dr., Hobart, Pastor Gary Nagy officiating. (219-942-2589). A reception with light refreshments will follow the service at the School Fellowship Room. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana. 8446 Virginia St., Merrillville, IN 46410-6233 are appreciated. Burns Funeral Home & Crematory, Hobart in charge of arrangements. 219-942-1117.
The above information and picture were obtained from:
Birth: 8/31/1914 (31 Aug 1914) - USA
Death: 4/27/2007 (27 Apr 2007) - Hobart, Indiana, USA