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Carol Adams (Davis) (1974)
Dee Ballantyne (1958)
Thomas Barefoot (1955)
Jim(James) Basco (1968)
James Baum (1981)
Donna Beers (Erlenbach) (1961)
Robert Bell (1959)
Kimberly Berry (Rujevcan) (1979)
Lynn Carlson (Larsen) (1967)
Dwain Crisp (Crisp) (1959)
Randy Daves (1974)
Betty Jo Davis (Sherman) (1964)
Jenny Disser (Malick) (1982)
Joan Dolasinski (1970)
Margaret Dubach (1967)
Bette Edwards (Moore) (1957)
Ellen Emerson (1969)
Beth Erwin (Tarchala) (1987)
Debbie (Deborah) Erwin (1968)
Pat Fohrer (1967)
Rich Franzwa (1969)
Jennie Freeland (Johannesen) (1965)
Gwendolyn Gee (Culbreth) (1951)
Pat Glynn (Dudley) (1962)
Chuck Goodwin (1958)
Lyle Hatten (1958)
Jeanne High (Wetenkamp) (1965)
Dorothy Hudak (Samsel) (1956)
Laverne Hughes (Garrigues) (1970)
Michael Hupertz (1990)
Ron Johnson (1958)
Karol Johnston (Curtis) (1959)
Randy Kimsey (1978)
Diane Kormos (Glim) (1972)
Bill Krosky (1977)
Suzie Kuzma (1973)
Dave Leets (1972)
Linda Lewandowski (McColl…) (1968)
John Lindgren (1978)
Gary Lower (Lower) (1971)
Christine Lundahl (Buchko) (1967)
John Malmquist (1956)
Ruth Marconi (Bell) (1961)
Terry Martin (1969)
Dave Mathias (1951)
Donna Milne (Black) (1972)
Loren Nibbe (Nibbe) (1958)
Bob Nowicki (Nowicki) (1978)
Alan Pasley (1971)
Gary Pasley (1972)
Dru Peddicord (Kitchen) (1988)
Bruce Perney (1965)
Beth Plesac (Johnston) (1976)
Mary Ratilff (Higbee) (1965)
Wilbur Regier (1960)
Barb Rivera (1986)
Donna Shannon (Johnson) (1958)
Melody Stults (Smith) (1963)
Theodore Daniel Talian (T…) (1956)
Todd Tarchala (Tarchala) (1986)
David Taylor (1986)
Cheryl Thomas (Gil de Montes) (1974)
Joan Thompson (Andersen) (1970)
Patricia Toth (1973)
Terry White (1959)
Trennis Wright (1962)