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Chuck Dingee Chuck Dingee

Profile Updated: August 19, 2010
Chuck Dingee
Class Year:
Residing In:
Bellingham, WA USA
Kathy Sheehan
Musician, Web-designer, Photographer
Yes! Attending Reunion

I left "the region" in 1973, traveled around as a vagabond musician for a few years with Rich & Dave Franzwa, and formed a band with them called "The Obscure Travelling Band." Got into a hitchhiking accident in 1975, fracturing second cervical vertebrae, and then moved out to Bellingham, Washington, where I now live. I spent some time in Florida and lived for 6 years in Philadelphia, working for the World Game Institute (an offshoot of Buckminster Fuller's office). During that time (and for a few years after I moved back to Bellingham) I traveled all over the world putting on the World Game Workshop, a simulation game on the world's largest map of the world. I met my wife in Philadelphia and we got married there in 1994, just before we moved to Bellingham.

I now play in a classic rock band called The Walrus. We are mostly a cover band, but we do have a CD of original songs called "Uncovered." It is available on iTunes or at cdbaby.com/walrus

School Story:

I think my favorite stories from HHS involve Band Camp and the SVNA (Students for Violent Non-Action).

The SVNA was a made-up group we pretended to belong to in order to piss off the "jocks" (many "jocks" turned out to be very nice people, so sorry for pissing you off...:-) We (Tom Hecker, Steve & Don Polson, Chris Cook, Terry Metz, and a few others) let it "leak" that we were going to have a "meeting" at Fred Rose Park on a Saturday (I think). Soon word spread that it was going to be a "flag-burning party." All we ever planned to do was throw frisbees. When we arrived, there was a gang of boys waiting for a fight, and some plain-clothes cops (wearing rhinestone flag lapel pins) waiting to inform us that the "park was closed."

I left, but I understand Don Polson managed to get everyone throwing frisbees and talking in a civil manner.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:11 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:11 AM