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Classmate Profiles (1947)
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Newest Members
Alan Abel
Arlene Alexander (Witt)
Jeanne Bauer (Piornack)
Patrick Beattie
Don Bell
Tom Bishop
Perry Bonner
Rhoda Boyd (Rowley)
Gene Bray
James (Jim) Briney
Earl Bristol
Larry Buckreus
Eugene Buczek
Henry "Hank" Buczek
John Bulza
Beuford (Beau) Bunnell
Laurette Butler (Stewart)
Carmella Calabro (Aspinwall)
Sylvia Ellen Campos/Andrews
Ruth Carlson (Strom)
Shirley Carstensen (Price)
Betty Carter (Rose)
Jerry Carter
Dale Catt
Jerry Chapman
Ted Chenoweth
Don Clasen
Paul Clayton
Vera Cullum (Perdue)
Jacqueline Cuthbert
June Danbro (Dominick)
Zonabelle Dignin (Tuttle)
Elmer Doege
Helen Dollstedt (Stern)
Philip Ehrhardt
John "Jack" Erickson
Don Erwin
Patricia Fahey
Matilda Fas (Chappo)
Blanche Fifield
Alice Foreman (Piske)
Robert Frank
Catherine Galich (Lenburg)
Robert Garber
Joyce Ann Geddes
Mary Glavan
David Goetzke
Marie Gottschling (Szostek)
Robert Govert
Lester Gradle
John Frederick ("Fritz"…
Betty Greenlee (Stratton)
Arthur (Art) Hamilton
Herbert Gregg (Herbie) …
Betty Harner (Mitchell)
Donna Haxton (Scharbach)
Arthur J. Hecht
Ruth Henschel (Koeller)
Pearl Hickman
Jack Holeman
William (Bill) Hutchens
Gilbert Ittel
Dorothy Johnson (Slisher)
Elizabeth Johnston (Willmoth)
Mariellen (Maryellen, Mary …
Marie Jones
Shirley Jones (McGinnis)
Richard (Dick) Julian
Willetta Klug (Kennedy)
Ralph Kneifel
Veronica Kobylanski (Kobyli…
Genny Koselke
Carol Kostbade (Pavot)
Frances Kozub
Daniel Krulik
Patricia Krull (Combs)
Keith Langendorfer
Eleanor Ledyard (Ramsay)
Florence Leszczynski (Lescz…
Harry Luke
Archie Lundy
Joan Madden
Jack Marler
Angeline "Angie" Martino (Ames)
Violet Matovich
Wayne Clarence McAfee
James (Jim) McLuckie
Albert Moehl
Shirley (Shirlee) Moon (DeReamer)
Betty Morton
Shirley Nelson
Marguerite "Maggie" O'Keefe
Mardell Pierce (Turner)
Nancy Pyatt (Gillum)
Richard (Dick) Raiza
Evelyn Rampke (Fischer)
Betty Redar (Huettner)
Betty Reisinger (Pisarski)
Dolores Respecke
Wilma Robb (Knopic)
Tom Rogers
Margaret Rogyom (Kuechenberg)
Janet Ruzek
Dorothy Ryan (Csokasy)
Erma Sandy
Patricia Sauter (Tuerff)
Joyce Schavey (Crowe)
Emily Schellenberg
Shirley Schoon
Dale Schultz
Bruce Scott
Beverly Shaw
Marietta Shelby (Mills)
James Shurr
Dolores Sikora
Richard Smith
Gwen Sohn
Helen Sol (Bracich)
Dorothy Spivey
Norma Steen
Max Stephens
Francis Stewart
Thais Stewart (Shelley)
Theodore (Ted) Svetanoff Ma…
Marie Swierczak
Darlene Taylor
Eva Thyen (Boessel)
Jerrold (Jerry) Tiffany
Loren Todd
Sam VanScoy (Van Scoy), Jr.
Max Watson
Marjorie Wegmet (Ramsey)
Peggy Wildermuth (Fowler)
Doris Wilfong (Harshbarger)
Jewel Wunschel
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