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Classmate Profiles (1964)

     User has created a profile: 76
     Profile contains photos: 20
     In Memory: 93
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 81
     Military Service: 40
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 76    Newest Members: 76    Latest Comments: 35  

Gary Addison    
Gary Banks   
Larry Benson    
Ted Bonich    
Dan Caesar    
Michael Cary    
Pat Caudel   
Bob Coleman    
Fred Comer    
Larry Cox     
Ray DeMeyer     
Peter Follmer    
Ivan Hiestand    
Tom Hood    
Keith Kennett    
Lloyd Koziol    
Jim Lockwood    
Dwight Mathis    
Earl McDowell    
Roger Norris     
Jeff Pence    
Ralph Pyle    
Jim Redar    
Jon Stafford    
Bruce Storey    
Ron Thoreson    
William Vernigor     
John Zanolla    

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