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Classmate Profiles (1949)
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Ralph Abell
Marshall Reginald Ahlgrim
Sue Carol Ahlgrim
William Anderson
Howard Arnold
Dale Baumann
Eileen Bellinger (Wiggins)
Bill Bloom
Harry Bonner
Thelma Briney (Loggie)
Betty Brown
Charles Brown
Ova Bryant
Calista Bussie
Dolores Butler (Marshall)
Don Campbell
James Carlisle
Rachel Carlson
Katherine Carnell
Clarice Chenoweth
Edward Cicillian, Sr.
Bonnie Clasen
Margaret Fay Cooke (Vawter)
Jozella Cronch (Cain)
Joseph Csokasy
Lester Detterline
Phyllis Dinsmore (Kuznicki)
Charles Dubach
Mary Dudgeon
Fred "Hot Rod" Eckenrod…
Richard "Rick" Ele
Carolyn Erwin (Cicillian)
Helen Evans (Cavanaugh Boltz)
Robert (Bob) Fasel
Calvin Gafford
Emmy Lou Garwig (Anderson)
Pam Goin (Greico)
Donald Govert
William (Bill) Greene
Michael (Mike) Gregor
Shirley Greiner (Johnson)
Robert Griffin
David Groom
Albert Floyd "Pete" Har…
Alma Hoddy (Seiss)
Glee Huge (Krantz)
Lois Hughes (Detterline)
Donna Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Mildred (Milly) Katunich (K…
Marie "Bubbles" Kellen (King)
Patricia Kennedy
Thomas (Tom) Byron Killens
Herman Klahn
Max Knoblich
Donald Koenig
Rose Marie Kostka (Zinnen)
Pearl Kratkoczki (Lucier)
Marilyn Krause
Patricia Kubiak (Zimbrick)
Steve Lazar
Helen Lockhard
William Loggie
Ralph Luke
Eugene Mack
Myrtle Maleck
Richard Manwaring
Stewart Mattix
Shirley Mattox
Don McAfee
Glen McAfee
John "Jack" McDougall
Shirley McGlinn (Janda)
Rosalie McKnight
JoLee McLead (Shell)
Leon Mehalic
Stella Miller
Shirley Mitchell (Ralph)
William Morton
Kenneth (Kenny) Noel
Carl Norman
Ronald Olson
Wilda "Beth" Olson (Carter)
Edward Wayne Owens
Bob Palmer
Edrena Rose Paulding (Callahan)
Marjorie Peksenak
Bette Lou Perry (Scalpelli)
Evelyn Picon
Alice Pyatt (Barrett)
Donald (Don) Radulovich…
Joyce Ramsay (Stanfield)
Barbara Rappe
Jerry Rice
Clara Riddle (Ramer)
Frank Rodriguez
James Ryan
Florence Salter
Anna Santacroce
Lorene (Lorraine) Schavey (Olsen)
William Schellenberg
James Schwuchow
Robert (Bob) Shell
Robert Shield
Janet Shroll
Arlene Shults
Elsie Soderquist
Sarah Anne Sonntag (Oliver)
Donna Spoor
Donald Stanley
William Stonebraker
George "Bud" Sweat
Floyd Swynenberg
Donald Thomas
Charlene Van Blaircom
Marilyn Verplank
Ruth Vorpahl
Norma "Jeannie" Wagoner (Bynum)
Regina Watkins
John Webdell
Joseph Richard Wegmet
Richard Wesley
Alfred Wichowski
DeForest Raymond Wilkes
Donna Williamson
Marvin Wineinger
Erwin "Buddy" Woods
Francis (Frank) Zajec
Dolores "Dee" Zimney (Zimny)
John Zinnen
Robert Zunich
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