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Classmate Profiles (1934)
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Show by:
Harold Anderson
Donald Bambrough
Eleanor Bodin (Johnson)
Clara Born (Jones)
Mary Boyd (Sable)
Ethel Bryant (Kjos)
Isabelle (Isabel) Butler (Vargo)
Ramah Byall (Smith)
Newton Delos Caldwell
Robin Cliff
Dora Craven (Remus)
Frank Davis
Elwood Dunning
Alfred Erickson
Dorothy Fasel (Thaxton)
Darrell Fifield
Ralph Fifield
Peter Fiorantin
Frank Florek
Dorothy Fowler (Conner)
Lois Fowler (Hill)
William Gant
William Glynn
Dorothy Grasa (Cheverton)
Louis Greenspan
Robert Griffiths
Carolyn Grinn (King, Mehl, Scott)
Helen "Bunny" Gruel (Redman)
June Harris (Graham)
George Hawke
Genevieve Hedstrom (Powers)
Alexander (Alex) Howatt
Emily Jones (Walcher)
Margorie Jones
Frank Keever
Gilbert (Gil) Kellberg
Walter Keller
Thelma Kelley
Ruth King (Young)
Bertha Knoke (Brown)
Chris Kramer
Bernice Lestikow (Leistikow)
Genevieve Lincoln (Haynes)
Edna Lute (Graham)
Raymond (Ray) Lutz
Isabel Malone (Tobin)
Lois Martinson (VonBerg)
John (Jack) Mason
Robert Maybaum
William McGirr
Dorothy McOmber (Esancy)
Tom Mellon
Gus Metaxas (Metaxes)
Myrtle Moll (Immel)
James Meredith Mundell,…
Carlton O'Brien
Charles O'Keefe
William Ondrovich
Robert Parks
Stanley Prusinski
Robert Ramsey
Bernice Raschka (Schultz)
Emery Redar
Henry Emden Rippe
Janet Roper (Thornton)
Warren Samuelson
Luther Scharbach
Jessie Schnabel (Ramsay)
Russell Shirey
Edith Sievert (Siewert) (Wesley)
Martha Simpson (Shedd)
Edward Small
Monfred Smith Jr.
Kenneth Sothman
Dr. Meredith Tatlock
Max Thompson
John "Jack" Trester
Etheleyene (Ethylene) Truett
Betty Wells (Roper)
Carmen Whisler (Anderson)
Henry Wieczorek (Wiechorek)
Lloyd Wilson
Ruth Wilson
Dorothy Woodsworth
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