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Classmate Profiles (1942)
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Evelyn Adams (Sizemore)
John ("Bill") Anderson
Lorraine Anderson (Rearick)
Ruth Anderson
William David (Bill) Ashton…
Margaret Louise "PeggyLou" …
Robert Baile
Robert Balitz
Elmer Ballantyne
Elton Berlin
Jeanne Boessel (Flanders)
Richard Bond
Olive Boudrot (Shaw)
Eugenia (Jennie) Brotko (Pacyga)
Jean Call (Fasel)
Corp. James Chmelik
Edith Cook (Dunlap)
Jeanette Cronch (Dinkmeier)
Gillian Davenport (Himebrook)
Herbert "Buster" Ellenb…
Marjorie (Marge) Ewigleben (P…)
Harvey Ferman
Frances Fleming (Sapper)
Paul Fleming
Dorothy Foreman
William Foreman
Ruth Frank (Sargent)
Myrtle Fritz (Novak)
Geneva Gafford (Pittas)
Jack Galler
Marie Gawer
Alice Greenlee
James Grinn
Neal (Neil) Hahn
Richard Hamilton
Phyllis Hardman (Olson)
Beulah Harris (Averitt)
Harry Hartnup
Robert Hill
Clarence "Jimmy" Hitson
Rita Hughes (Michaels)
Alma Jackson (Johnson)
Eva Rae Johnson (Dietrich)
Mary Johnson (Stazinski)
Bill Jordan
Fredrick (Fred) Jordan
Kenneth Jordan
Joan Julian (Lee)
Emil Kasonovich
Albert Kazlauski (Kazwell)
Marie Olga Klicek (Kirkpatrick)
Shirley Kostbade (Hayslip)
Frank Kozub
Louise (Lois) Kupkee (Spitz)
Shirley Lankford (Pope)
Robert (Bob) Lautzenhiser
Rufle "Jr" (Junior) Lau…
Stanley Leszczynski (Le…
Freda Libkie (Tegge Garcia)
Dorothy Luke (Jones)
Ann Mahoney (Hurst)
Sophie Marchetti (Smith)
Marguerite Mason (Noll)
Donald McCathren
Robert Edward McDonald
Mary McRitchie
William Montville
Patty Moon
Grayson L. Moss
Earle Naillieux
Dorothy Oakley (Summers)
Jean Oakley
Mary Geraldine Ols (Cliff)
Betty Pender (Urszulak)
Gordon Perney
Marian (Marion) Perry
Lester Ponder (Cornett)
Josephine Prusinski (Peek)
Thomas (Tommy) Rees
Helen Reinhold
Robert Raymond Respecke
Lorraine Rieck (Lackey)
William Rippe
Alfred Ritter
Lewis Rose
Lois Rowe
Gerald Rowley
George Schane, Jr.
Ruth Lillian Schiess (Owens)
Paul Sigler
Robert Sizemore
Lorraine Sonntag (Kietzman)
Paul Stanley
Edna June Stevens (Mitsch)
Lorraine Swanson (Donely)
Vera Tarnow (Lee)
George Tatalovich
Cpl. Jack "Speed" Taylor
John Teschel
Lorraine Trager (Sweigard Sendo)
Wayne Tromble
William Truett
Dennis "Dan" Trzeciak
Anna (Anne) Vermeson (Zbuka)
Vivian Verplank (Turcot)
George Vossberg
Helen Walter (Pillman)
Grace Wellman
Blanche Wilson
Floyd Wineinger
Cathern Woods (Sorrick)
Jean Zander (Davis)
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